
Defenses Against Deception | Episode 3 | Roadblocks

Grace & Truth

June 7, 2024 • Duane Sheriff • 1 Timothy 4:1, Ephesians 5:5–8, 2 Timothy 3:12–17

In the third episode of "Defenses Against Deception," Duane Sheriff warns that the influence of Satan, "the father of lies," is increasing and stresses the importance of being able to discern deception. In Matthew 24, Jesus warned his followers not to be deceived.

The Word provides crucial roadblocks to caution against being misled by "empty words," "deceiving spirits," and "doctrines of devils." However, the inability of many believers today to identify these deceptive spirits or false doctrines, such as multiple genders, gender reassignment surgery, man-made climate change, and governmental overreach during the pandemic, can lead to serious consequences. 

Loss of freedoms and governmental persecution of dissenting views can pave the way for the Antichrist prophesied in the Bible. Believers must remain vigilant to avoid being led astray by deceptive agendas and stand firm for godly values despite facing persecution and censorship.