
Love Beyond Measure | Episode 3 | Revelation

Grace & Truth

July 5, 2024 • Duane Sheriff • 1 John 4:7–21, Ephesians 3:17–19

In the third episode of "Love Beyond Measure," Duane teaches about the depth of God's love by emphasizing the importance of truly understanding God's love beyond mere intellectual knowledge. According to 1 John 4:7-8, there are three fundamental truths about God's love:

1. Love originates from God, not from the world or our human nature. True love is a divine attribute from God and cannot be fully understood or defined by the world.

2. To truly love, one must be born of God and have an intimate knowledge of Him. The term "know" in the Bible refers to a deep, personal relationship, similar to the intimacy between a husband and wife. Therefore, we need a close personal relationship with God to experience and express His love.

3. God is love. Love is not just something God possesses; it is His essential nature. God's love for us is limitless, immeasurable, and unchanging, regardless of our actions or circumstances.

Duane emphasizes that many believers struggle to fully grasp God's love because they rely on the world's distorted understanding or measure God's love based on their performance. Ephesians 3:17-19 reveals that by being deeply rooted and grounded in God's love, we can comprehend its vastness and experience it fully. Growing in a deep revelation of God's love will provide a firm foundation during trials and enable us to love others.