
Who is my Neighbor? | Part 1

The Good Samaritan

July 21, 2024 • Duane Sheriff • Psalm 104:14, Luke 10:25–35, Psalm 104:15, Matthew 20:2, 2 Peter 3:8

Brother Duane teaches a profound message about the parable of the Good Samaritan, revealing its deeper meaning as a representation of God's redemptive plan for humanity. In Luke 10, Jesus masterfully presents the entire gospel story in just a few verses (Luke 10:25-37).

The parable reveals how the man who fell among thieves represents Adam and all of humanity, stripped of righteousness and left spiritually half-dead due to sin. The priest and Levite, representing the law, cannot save the man, just as the law cannot save us from our fallen state.

The Good Samaritan is Jesus, who comes on a journey to rescue us. He binds our wounds, pours in oil and wine (representing the Holy Spirit), and takes us to the inn (the church) for care. The two pennies given to the innkeeper symbolize the approximately 2,000 years between Christ's first and second coming, with the promise of His return.

Remember to stay focused on the return of Jesus and do not be swayed by fear or false predictions. Be filled with both the "oil" (new birth) and "wine" (empowerment) of the Holy Spirit to prepare for challenging times ahead. Strengthen your heart with God's Word (Psalm 104:15), and be prepared to stand firm in faith. Believers are to be neighbors to those in need, just as Christ is our neighbor, and to rely on the Holy Spirit's guidance in these last days.