
America In Crisis | Part 3

Lesser Of 3 Evils

Duane Sheriff

Basic questions to ask when voting

Which party’s platform matches my values?
Which candidate will the media hold more accountable?
Which candidate will be impeached by both parties if they violate the Constitution?
Which candidate embraces Planned Parenthood and their culture of death and darkness?
Which candidate embraces traditional marriage?
Which candidate embraces family values?
Which candidate will appoint Justices to the Supreme Court that match my values?
Which candidate believes that immigration should be done in a legal and lawful manner?
Who will uphold and defend the Constitution?
Which candidate will confront voter fraud?
Which candidate understands budgets and deficits?
Which candidate isn’t afraid to say “Militant Islamic Terrorist”?
Which candidate can we trust to handle our country’s secrets?
Which candidate loves America and will protect us?
Which candidate will punish evil doers (Romans 13:1-8)?
Which candidate believes in the rule of law?
Which candidate’s dubious behavior will the media most likely cover up?
Which candidate is for us and not against us? (Mark 9:38-40)
Which candidate does the media like?
Which candidate most closely reflects my values and principles?