
Rhythms of Grace | Episode 10 | Yoke of Grace

Grace & Truth

March 25, 2024 • Duane Sheriff • Romans 8:1–4, Isaiah 54:7–10, Galatians 5:1, Acts 15:10–11

Duane Sheriff teaches the difference between the yoke of grace and the yoke of the law. The yoke of Jesus is not a burden but a source of rest and freedom, which starkly contrasts the yoke of the law described as bondage. There is transformative power in coming to Jesus, taking His yoke upon ourselves, and learning from Him. True rest for our souls is found in a relationship with Christ, not in adherence to the law or religious practices. When we understand this concept, we can live a life of grace, free from guilt, condemnation, and the relentless pursuit of self-righteousness.