
Thanksgiving Activates Faith | Part 1


January 9, 2022 • Duane Sheriff

In this message, Pastor Duane talks about one of the actions of Faith which is Thanksgiving! We as people must learn how to activate our faith and train our children and others to activate their faith by modeling an attitude of gratitude.”

Thanksgiving Activates Faith | Part 2

January 15, 2022 • Duane Sheriff

Faith requires action. One way we can act is when we choose to trust God and simply be thankful. In this session we look at the people of Israel and the five dangers that God told them to avoid. One of those dangers is complaining. Pastor Duane explains why complaining is so dangerous and actually produces decrease in our lives.

Thanksgiving Acivates Faith | Part 3

January 23, 2022 • Duane Sheriff

In part 2 of this series, we learned that faith is voice activated and that it speaks. So what does the voice of faith sound like? It's edifying, encouraging and saturated with thanksgiving. The same principle applies to unbelief and that voice sounds like murmuring and complaining. Pastor Duane looks at both of these principles and how they affect our lives.