
25th April 2024


April 25, 2024 • Dr Zubeda Sing, Pastor Zubeda Sing


The Samaritans responded in large numbers. When word got back to Jerusalem, Peter and John were sent to evaluate Philip’s ministry. They quickly became involved themselves, seeing firsthand God’s acceptance of those who previously were considered unacceptable.

In the middle of all this success and excitement, God directed Philip out to the desert for an appointment with an Ethiopian eunuch, another foreigner, who had been in Jerusalem. Philip went immediately. His effectiveness in sharing the gospel with this man placed a Christian in a significant position in a distant country and may well have had an effect on an entire nation.


Strengths and accomplishments:

One of the seven organizers of food distribution in the early church

Became an evangelist, one of the first travelling missionaries

One of the first to obey Jesus’ command to take the gospel to all people

A careful student of the Bible who could explain its meaning clearly


Philip was not an apostle like Peter or John, he was one of the men, like Stephen, called to food distribution. Whilst doing his work as a distributor of food, he operated in the power of the Holy Spirit and did mighty works that transformed the lives of many. The Ethiopian eunuch had an encounter with Jesus and the Word whilst having a conversation with Philip. His daughters also prophesied and became evangelists in their own right. The anointing on the life of Philip was so strong that he impacted many lives.


Like Philip, you and I both are anointed to make a difference in the lives of those who are in our sphere of influence. We have the power to change a person’s life with just the words we speak. Watch your words, your words are tools to build and not to break, however the use of the words will determine the outcome of the lives you come in contact with and communicate with. Let your love weapon wield a harvest of souls.



Thank you Jesus for an example like Jesus, I too can operate in the anointing to build lives and usher many into the kingdom of God. Holy Spirit fill me and make me a useful tool in the kingdom of God. Renew me every day so mercy and grace can flow out of my life to our dying world.

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