
18th July 2024


July 18, 2024 • Dr Zubeda Sing, Pastor Zubeda Sing

Guard your heart above all else,

for it determines the course of your life. Prov 4v23


Guard your heart from offense. When you are hurt because of some incident or something someone has said, refuse to let your heart be affected. Refuse to let the pain of the issue get so deep in your heart that you are not able to move on. You have to cast down every imagination and every negative thought out of your mind and heart or it will depress you and sap you of all your strength and energy. You just cannot afford this. It takes too long to pick yourself up again. It steals your joy and causes you to focus on the negative things in life. The next stage from this would be complaining and every time you meet someone the first topic will be the hurt and pain.


Guard your heart with all diligence, for out of this beautiful heart of yours, flows the issues of life. Be determined, be resolute about guarding your heart. The Holy Spirit will comfort you and strengthen you during this time, allowing you to be relentless in your God-given calling.



Holy Spirit I commit my heart to you, help me to guard my heart against any invaders that would come to destroy my peace, joy and strength. The course of my life is dependent on your purposes and your will for my life. So I refuse to allow anything to affect my heart.

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