
30th June 2024


June 30, 2024 • Dr Zubeda Sing, Pastor Zubeda Sing

So shall they fear

The name of the LORD from the west,

And His glory from the rising of the sun;

When the enemy comes in like a flood,

The Spirit of the LORD will lift up a standard against him. Isaiah 59v19


We are called to live life on a higher plane. We have the divine life of God living on the inside of us. We are called to a higher life. Jesus came to give us life to the full, till it overflows.

All of this means, we do not live life like ordinary men and women. What is normal for ordinary men and women is not normal for you and I. We are children and as we mature in the Lord, sons of the most high God.

Let me give you some examples:


1.    There is a flood and every home is flooded or affected, you a child of God, can be totally unaffected by the flood because your home is protected by the angels of God, there is a hedge of protection around your home.

2.    In the time of looting or mass action, businesses and homes are affected and robbed, but you as a child of God are completely unaffected, like the children of Israel, the angel of death passed over, you too enjoy protection from the Most High. As a tither and a Sower, God promises to protect you from the devourer.

3.    As people get older, it is said it is normal to develop chronic diseases, not you child of God, you can live healthy and well and strong, because your body is the temple of the holy Ghost and he lives on the inside of you. You can stay healthy and blessed and live a long, strong and healthy life. Why accept anything less.

4.    A need maintenance and fuel at least every week for normal people, you are a praying man and woman so somehow by the grace of God, your vehicle remains well, not needing constant maintenance and your fuel lasts a longer time than a normal man. Why? God is with you and his hand is on everything you own.

5.    You children excel at school and operate in wisdom all the time. They experience favour even as they leave school and are studying, companies come to them to offer them jobs. This is the grace and favour of God.

6.    A man without God can earn more than you, but because the spirit of God lives inside of you and the anointing of increase is on your money, you find you can do more with your money and stay out of debt, while the person without God, earning more than you, is constantly in lack.


I can go on and on giving you examples. I need you to write your own story. Take stock of your life and begin to write down how blessed you are. You will notice that God has been working on your behalf for so long that you did not even realise it. Let this be a season of thanksgiving. Commit your life to God again and again and ask him to lead you and guide you. When you purchase anything dedicate it to the Lord and the shelf life of the item which exceed expectations. Live life on a divine plain and let God raise the standard in your life.



Heavenly Father thank you for raising the standard in our lives each and everyday. We are a royal priesthood, a holy nation and this life that we live is lived on a higher plain. Continue to bless every part of my life and let your favour saturate us. Holy Spirit teach us to be grateful and thankful daily.

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