
22nd April 2024


April 22, 2024 • Dr Zubeda Sing, Pastor Zubeda Sing

Paul’s Second missionary journey with Silas (Ac 16-20).

Called to Macedonia (Ac 16:6-10).

Freed from prison in Philippi (Ac 16:16-40).

In Thessalonica (Ac 17:1-9).

Speech in Athens (Ac 17:16-33).

Return to Jerusalem (Ac 20).

Farewell to Ephesian elders (Ac 20:13-38).



A prominent member of the church at Jerusalem; also called Silvanus.

He and Judas, surnamed Barsabas, were chosen by the church there to accompany Paul and Barnabas on their return to Antioch from the council of the apostles and elders (Acts 15:22), as bearers of the decree adopted by the council.

He assisted Paul there in his evangelistic labours and was also chosen by him to be his companion on his second missionary tour (Acts 16:19-24).

He is referred to in the epistles under the name of Silvanus (2 Cor. 1:19; 1 Thess. 1:1; 2 Thess.


Once the relationship with Barnabas was severed as a result of a misunderstanding between them, God sent Silas to work with Paul. Notice here that Silas was an assistant to Paul, however, he served a critical role in ministering to the church alongside Paul. Many of us are not called to be the lead person, however, our place in ministry is vital to the success of the ministry. We just need to find where we fit, do what we are called to do and remain faithful. God blesses us and causes us to abound in the blessings of the Lord. Yes, there is a cost to discipleship but it is so worth it.



Lord Jesus, thank you for choosing me and making me a vessel unto honour. I need your help to fulfil my call so the kingdom of God is enriched by the souls we win to Christ. Strengthen me and establish me in my call. Good success and victory is mine in my daily walk with you.

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