
21st April 2024


April 21, 2024 • Dr Zubeda Sing, Pastor Zubeda Sing


Also called Saul (Ac 13:9). Pharisee from Tarsus (Ac 9:11; Php 3:5).

Apostle (Gal 1). At the stoning of Stephen (Ac 8:1).

Persecuted church (Ac 9:1-2; Gal 1:13).

Vision of Jesus on the road to Damascus (Ac 9:4-9; 26:12-18).

Preached in Damascus; escaped death through the wall in a basket (Ac 9:19-25). In Jerusalem; sent back to Tarsus (Ac 9:26-30).

Brought to Antioch by Barnabas (Ac 11:22-26).

First missionary journey to Cyprus and Galatia (Ac 13-14). Stoned at Lystra (Ac 14:19-20). At Jerusalem council (Ac 15). Split with Barnabas over Mark (Ac 15:36-41).



son of consolation, the surname of Joses, a Levite (Acts 4:36).

His name stands first on the list of prophets and teachers of the church at Antioch (13:1). Luke speaks of him as a "good man" (11:24).

He was born to Jewish parents of the tribe of Levi. He was a native of Cyprus, where he had a possession of land (Acts 4:36, 37), which he sold.

His personal appearance is supposed to have been dignified and commanding (Acts 14:11, 12). When Paul returned to Jerusalem after his conversion, Barnabas took him and introduced him to the apostles (9:27). They had probably been companions as students in the school of Gamaliel.


Paul and Barnabas shared an incredible friendship in the Lord, the above passage indicates that they could have probably, been companions as students in the school of Gamaliel.

This was a spirit-led friendship to introduce Paul to the apostles and help build his relationship with the disciples, considering Paul’s past experience with the church, where he was persecuting the church. Barnabas helped solidify this relationship. They both gave up much to become disciples of the Lord, each giving up on themselves and what they held dear to do what the Lord had called them to do. The response of the people and the disciples was not welcoming nor encouraging. Paul had to prove himself again and again as people were afraid of him and his past life. Paul persisted as his calling was more important.


The call of God on our lives goes way beyond our own understanding. We were called and separated unto God long before we were even born. There is a longing and desire on the inside of our hearts that no one can explain, only we can tell, “we want more”. Everyone around us seems satisfied with their life. We have almost everything we will ever need yet on the inside of us, there is a dissatisfaction and we cannot explain why. The Holy Spirit is calling you to fulfil your calling. He is not saying you have to leave work to go and be in ministry, no. He is saying to reach out to those around you and tell them about Jesus. You are the well or the fountain of life they can drink from.



Holy Spirit help me understand this call you have placed on the inside of me. I want to do your will. I want to fulfil the call you have placed in my life so I can live life to the full till it overflows.

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