
20th April 2024


April 20, 2024 • Dr Zubeda Sing, Pastor Zubeda Sing

The author of the Fourth Gospel was the younger of the two sons of Zebedee, John.

A fisherman on the Sea of Galilee, who resided at Bethsaida.

His father, Zebedee, appears to have been in good circumstances, owning a vessel of his own and having hired servants (Mr 1:20).

Our Evangelist, John, whose occupation was that of a fisherman with his father, was beyond doubt a disciple of the Baptist, and one of the two who had the first interview with Jesus.

He was called while engaged in his secular occupation (Mt 4:21, 22), and again on a memorable occasion (Lu 5:1-11), and finally chosen as one of the Twelve Apostles (Mt 10:2). He was the youngest of the Twelve—the "Benjamin," as DA COSTA calls him—and he and James his brother were named in the native tongue by Him who knew the heart, "Boanerges," which the Evangelist Mark (Mr 3:17) explains to mean "Sons of thunder"; no doubt from their natural vehemence of character.

They and Peter constituted that select triumvirate of whom see on Lu 9:28. But the highest honour bestowed on this disciple was his being admitted to the bosom place with his Lord at the table, as "the disciple whom Jesus loved" (Joh 13:23; 20:2; 21:7, 20:24).

and to have committed to him by the dying Redeemer the care of His mother (Joh 19:26, 27).


I trust as you read the above resume of John, the author of the gospel of John, you will realise he was just an ordinary man like you and I, busy with his everyday life when he was called by the Master. It is clear from the above scriptures that he had to forsake all to follow Jesus. He was in a comfortable life, earning a living and being taken care of by his Father who was pretty wealthy at the time. To follow Jesus, he had to give up his comfortable life. He did it willingly. He followed Jesus and loved him so much that he spent time at dinner leaning on the chest of Jesus. What a relationship this was.


We, on the other hand, are called to follow the master where we are, in our world, in our sphere of influence. We are asked to follow the Lord, read his word and spend time in his presence. In this way, his power in us will equip us to fulfil our calling and destiny. He is ever with us so we need never fear. All we will ever need he has provided. Yes, there are things we need to let go off in our daily life, this will be revealed to you by the Holy Spirit to you individually. Trust and obey and he will lead you into a wonderful life.



Lord, like John, I choose to follow you. I let go of those things which are not of you and take hold of salvation so I might live a life pleasing in your sight. Holy Spirit I need you to fill my life with your presence so I can fulfill my call and purpose for this life.

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