
January 18th


January 18, 2024 • Dr Zubeda Sing, Pastor Zubeda Sing

Fear of the LORD is the foundation of true wisdom.

All who obey his commandments will grow in wisdom. PSALM 111 V 10


Growth is an essential part of our Christian walk. When we receive the Lord Jesus as our personal saviour, it is only the beginning of our journey in this Christian life. As we get to know him, we begin to grow. As we allow the word entrance into our hearts and minds, growth cannot be helped, we just continue to grow and grow. Wisdom is a vital part of this growth. We just cannot stay the same. The decisions we make may have been very immature in the past, however, as we embrace the word and the truth of God’s word, our understanding and application of knowledge begin to improve our lives.


We find we can engage in conversations at a higher level. We become an integral part of discussions as we now contribute invaluable information of any subject that is discussed.

In the past we were never taken seriously as we could not hold a decent conversation, however, as we have embraced the spirit of wisdom, our value and worth in our environment begins to change. So, I say to you today, grow in wisdom, embrace the spirit of wisdom and you will be a great asset to your environment and the people around you. It is not just wisdom, but the spirit of wisdom that is imparted to you through your fellowship with the spirit of God and his word.



The spirit of wisdom rests on me. I am empowered to operate in the wisdom of God that is greater than the wisdom of Solomon. As a born-again child of God, my mind is renewed with the wisdom of God. I am invaluable to my world as I contribute to my environment, in every area. The gift of wisdom is mine.

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