
16th July 2024


July 16, 2024 • Dr Zubeda Sing, Pastor Zubeda Sing

“Blessed [content, sheltered by God’s promises] are the merciful, for they will receive mercy. Matthew 5v7


We all want people to show us mercy, but when we are wronged, we instantly want to lash out. We want the person to know they have done wrong. We show by our attitude that the person has wronged us. How does God respond to us when we have failed. He shows mercy.

If our heavenly Father shows mercy, we too need to show mercy. When we show mercy to others we are sowing seeds for our own life. so, when or if we fail, which we will, others will show us mercy.


In our interaction with people, in our God given calling, we will have many opportunities to show mercy so that we are effective in our calling and purpose. So let us start today to show mercy so our heavenly Father will show us mercy too.



Holy Spirit, teach me how to be merciful to others. I have received the mercy of God so daily I want you to pour out mercy into my heart so I show mercy to others.

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