
24th July 2024


July 24, 2024 • Dr Zubeda Sing, Pastor Zubeda Sing

“Go into the world. Go everywhere and announce the Message of God’s good news to one and all. Whoever believes and is baptized is saved; whoever refuses to believe is damned. Luke 16v14


Salvation was a gift from Jesus, it was free, however we have been commissioned to go out into all the world and win the lost. Jesus came to seek and save the lost.


Do you remember the joy in your heart when you first got saved and got to know Jesus. You could not wait to go to church and listen to the word. There are many dying souls out there who have never been touched by the master’s love. They are broken and emotionally scarred. They need a touch from the master’s hand. We are the carriers of the presence of the Lord and his love permeates our very being. We need to share this good news with the broken who need Jesus so desperately. You have to take your eyes off yourself and look out the window of your world to see the world out there as Jesus sees it. It is a commission we have been given and as we fulfil it, we will experience a joy that cannot be explained. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you how.


This is part of your God given calling, to be a soul winner, winning souls to Christ.



Holy Spirit let me see through your eyes, the lost and needy so we can reach out and make a difference to the lives of people around us, populating heaven and emptying out hell.

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