
17th April 2024


April 17, 2024 • Dr Zubeda Sing, Pastor Zubeda Sing


Prophet; successor of Elijah (1Ki 19:16-21);

inherited his cloak (2Ki 2:1-18).

Purified bad water (2Ki 2:19-22).

Cursed young men (2Ki 2:23-25).

Aided Israel’s defeat of Moab (2Ki 3).

Provided widow with oil (2Ki 4:1-7).

Raised Shunammite woman’s son (2Ki 4:8-37).

Purified food (2Ki 4:38-41).

Fed 100 men (2Ki 4:42-44).

Healed Naaman’s leprosy (2Ki 5).

Made axhead float (2Ki 6:1-7).

Captured Arameans (2Ki 6:8-23).

Political adviser to Israel (2Ki 6:24-8:6; 9:1-3; 13:14-19),

Damascus (2Ki 8:7-15). Death (2Ki 13:20).


Now, here comes a prophet after Elijah, he was bold enough to ask God for a double portion of the anointing. He got what he asked for, he was able to do double the amount of miracles than Elijah. He even caused an ax-head to float. Without any training at all, he became an adviser to the king.


My family of God, what are we waiting for the day we receive Jesus as our Lord and Saviour we become sons of God. We are able to overcome any battle, for the Lord is with us and for us. We have more than enough power to command and decree things to come to pass. We do not have to be afraid of the devil as he is a defeated foe. Jesus made an open show of himself and his crew when he died and went to hell to take back the keys of death and hell. Stand up as the kings and priests you are and begin to speak to the mountains in your life and command them to flee. See your victory now. If Elijah and Elisha who never knew Jesus could do it, so can we.


I am a son/daughter of the Most High God. I have been chosen and specifically selected to serve in the Kingdom of God. I have the power of enemies, the devil and every evil force in Jesus, name. I can command a thing and it will be established. There is power in my words.

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