
18th April 2024


April 18, 2024 • Dr Zubeda Sing, Pastor Zubeda Sing


of the sun, the son of Manoah, born at Zorah. The narrative of his life is given in Judg. 13-16. He was a "Nazarite unto God" from his birth, the first Nazarite mentioned in Scripture (Judg. 13:3-5; comp. Num. 6:1-21). The first recorded event of his life was his marriage with a Philistine woman of Timnath (Judg. 14:1-5). Such a marriage was not forbidden by the law of Moses, as the Philistines did not form one of the seven doomed Canaanite nations (Ex. 34:11-16; Deut. 7:1-4). It was, however, an ill-assorted and unblessed marriage. His wife was soon taken from him and given "to his companion" (Judg. 14:20). For this Samson took revenge by burning the "standing corn of the Philistines" (15:1-8), who, in their turn, in revenge "burnt her and her father with fire." Her death he terribly avenged (15:7-19). During the twenty years following this, he judged Israel; but we have no record of his life. Probably these twenty years may have been simultaneous with the last twenty years of Eli's life. After this we have an account of his exploits at Gaza (16:1-3), and of his infatuation for Delilah, and her treachery (16:4-20), and then of his melancholy death (16:21-31). He perished in the last terrible destruction he brought upon his enemies. "So the dead which he slew at his death were more [in social and political importance=the elite of the people] than they which he slew in his life."


In life we all have choices and as we can see from the life of Samson, he was called by God to serve his people but in it all, it seems he served himself. He could not overcome his nature and he failed God miserably. He was equipped for his task to take care of God’s people but he used his strength for all the wrong reasons. His nature and his flesh ruled him. He lost his life because of his poor choices. Do you realise at the end of his life, he asked God to use him, but he only asked him to use him one more time. God raised him and did what he asked, but he had the right to ask God to restore him, however, his eyes were only on revenge and not the purpose to which he was called. He was called to lead God’s people.


The life of Samson is a great lesson for each of us, we really do get what we ask for. In this day and age, our emotions and feelings rule our lives. I would like to ask you to stop and take a breather. Look around you and see if you like what is happening. Choose life today, the life of God and start to make good choices so you please God. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you to live this God-life. You see Samson did not have the Holy Spirit living on the inside of him, but only when he had something to do, the spirit of God would come upon him. Take advantage of the power and the anointing that abides in you.



I am a king and a priest unto my God. My environment is dependent on the words that I speak and the things that I ask for. Help me holy spirit to make wise choices and not let my emotions and feelings dictate to me. I am empowered by the Holy Spirit to speak those things that bring life and godliness into my environment. I speak for the blessings of God over my life and my family and my environment in Jesus's name.

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