
20th July 2024


July 20, 2024 • Dr Zubeda Sing, Pastor Zubeda Sing

Give to all persons therefore that which is due to them: tribute to whom tribute belongs, custom to whom custom is due, fear to whom fear belongs, honour to whom honour pertains. Owe nothing to anyone, but to love one another. For he who loves another, fulfils the law. Rom 13v7


Respect and honour are one of the basics we should practice in our life in our God given calling. It takes a lot of humility to do this. It takes a lot of maturity to recognize the need to do this. The benefits for obedience in this area are invaluable. The blessings that come on your life because you choose to honour those above you. As you honour others, so too will you be honoured.


We are asked to honour our mother and father and this comes with a blessing of a long life.


A wife is asked to honour her husband and this brings glory to God. Showing honour does not make her subservient but rather establishes God in her heart and keeps her strong as it is not always easy to show honour when you see the faults in your husband. However you have to look past this to honour as you see him as God sees him.



Holy Spirit train my spirit to recognize those in authority over me and help me to give honour where honour is due. In every area when honour is needed, teach me how to show honour and live righteously in Jesus name.

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