
Concealed & Revealed

Jesus in Luke's Parables

The Pharisee and the Tax Collector

March 24, 2024 • Eddie Williams • Luke 18:9–14

Have you ever found yourself judging someone only to realize that you're standing in a hall of mirrors, reflecting your own flaws? That moment of self-revelation is at the heart of this, the final sermon in this series where we've journeyed through the parables of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke, this time with a compelling narrative of the Pharisee and the tax collector.  Through the lens of Luke 18, we discover that the Kingdom of God isn't just about righteous acts but a radical change of heart. The parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector is a profound lesson in humility and a mirror to our own potential for self-righteousness. As we reflect on Jesus' path to the crucifixion, we're reminded of the pressing need for internal transformation, challenging us to look beyond our deeds and into the core of our being. This sermon serves as a poignant reminder that entrance into God's Kingdom necessitates a new heart posture—one of contrition and openness to God's grace. ---------- Parables, Jesus, Gospel of Luke, Human Heart, Kingdom of God, Reflections, Humility, Righteousness, Pharisee, Tax Collector, Palm Sunday, Easter, Crucifixion, Resurrection, Internal Transformation, Heart Attitudes, Sin, Debt, Mercy, Confidence, Renewal, Self-Righteousness, Contempt, Works, Righteousness, Pride, Comparison, Judgement, Admitting Wrongdoings, Responsibility, Gaslighting, Accountability, Justification, Humility, Mercy, Sacrifice, Ego, Faithfulness, Insecurity, Boasts, Redemption, Suffering, Human Condition, Confidence, Strength, Faithfulness, Trial, Joy, Conviction

The Persistent Widow

March 17, 2024 • Eddie Williams • Luke 18:1–8

Have you ever felt like your prayers are just echoes in a vast void? You're not alone. In this latest sermon, we grapple with the power of persistent prayer, as demonstrated by the Parable of the Persistent Widow. Pastor Eddie peels back the layers of Jesus' parable, revealing the profound truth about our communication with the Father. It's a discussion that challenges the heart of our faith--especially when faced with society's comfortable complacency.  Can expressing doubt, confusion, and suffering actually deepen our connection with the Almighty? We engage in this dialogue, emphasizing the transformative effect that comes from aligning our desires with God's plan through prayer—whether it's our pain, joy, or the uncertain spaces in between. Prayer is more than just a wish list—it's a conduit for spiritual awakening and engagement with God's presence. We would invite you to come boldly to the Father who loves you deeply and wants the best for you--so ask Him! --------- Parables, Prayer, Gospel of Luke, Persistent Prayer, Losing Heart, Despair, Deconstruction, God's Kingdom, Comfortable Society, Urgency, Trust, Spiritual Growth, Unanswered Prayers, Divine Realities, Spiritual Awakening, Engagement, God's Presence, God's Power, Jesus, Gospel, Gospel-Centered, Doxa, Church, Eastside, Redmond, Seattle

The Rich Man & Lazarus

March 10, 2024 • Eddie Williams • Luke 16:19–31

Have you ever considered the true cost of your worldly pursuits, or what it means to live a life rich in spiritual wealth? This weeks sermon is a deep-dive on heaven and hell as we navigate Jesus's parable of the rich man and Lazarus, highlighting the stark contrasts between temporary riches and the treasures of God's Kingdom. As Easter approaches, let this be your guide to reevaluating where your heart truly lies, and whether your lifestyle choices reflect the eternal values that matter most. Confronted with Jesus's sobering warnings in Luke 13, we're urged to reflect on the dire consequences of neglecting God's path. We tackle the difficult truths about the reality of hell and the urgency for repentance while embracing the lifesaving grace offered through Jesus's mission. This isn't just theological musing; it's a clarion call for genuine discipleship. Step into a life of authenticity, shedding the trappings of religious identity, and embark on a transformative journey of faith that promises hope beyond our earthly existence. ---------- Parables, Jesus, Rich Man, Lazarus, Wealth, Afterlife, Kingdom of God, Discipleship, Hell, Repentance, Grace, Scripture, Belief, Salvation, Faith, Forgiveness, Doxa, Church, Eastside, Seattle, Redmond

The Prodigal Son

March 3, 2024 • Donald Zimmerman • Luke 15

Have you ever found yourself lost, only to discover that the path back home was lined with grace you never knew existed? This sermon peels back the layers of the Parable of the Prodigal Son, revealing a tale not just of a wayward child but a radical illustration of the Kingdom of God. We explore the nuances of Jesus's parable, contrasting the joyous celebration of God's love with the scorn of the Pharisees, and in doing so, we challenge the very structures they—and perhaps we—uphold. The story of the father's unconditional embrace and the ensuing feast for his returned son becomes a powerful metaphor for our relationship with the Father. It's a call to introspection about our own reception of grace and how it shapes our understanding of our place at God's table--it's a heartfelt invitation to see beyond the cultural norms and to celebrate the transformative power of being known and loved. We dissect the misconceptions held by both the younger and the older brother in the parable, and we dive into the perils that self-righteousness holds and the barriers it creates--keeping us from experiencing God's grace fully. The conversation prompts us to abandon the futile attempt to earn God's favor--reminding us of our inherent value is as children in the family of God. Join us as we reflect on humility, grace, and the jubilation that accompanies the realization of our true identity and worth. ---------- Parable, Prodigal Son, Grace, Redemption, Kingdom of God, Luke, Gospel, Pharisees, Reflection, Self-Examination, Divine Love, Self-Righteousness, Pride, Despair, Humility, Cynicism, Scorekeeping, Spiritual Journey, Relationships, Resources, Performance, Sacrifice, Need, God's Voice, Clarity, Humility, Doxa, Church, Eastside, Seattle, Redmond

The Dishonest Manager

February 25, 2024 • Eddie Williams • Luke 16:1–13

Have you ever encountered a Biblical story that left you scratching your head, unsure of its meaning in your life? This eye-opening exploration focuses on the perplexing tale of the dishonest manager in Luke 16. In this parable, Jesus reveals surprising insights on wealth, stewardship, and the choices we face every day. This sermon by Pastor Eddie helps unpack the moral intricacies of this narrative--challenging you to consider how your life aligns with the unexpected and often countercultural principles of God's kingdom. We're all confronted with a profound choice: Will you serve the unrelenting demands of Mammon--the personification of wealth and materialism--or will you choose the benevolent guidance of God? This isn't just about managing finances: it's a deep dive into the heart of spiritual maturity, where the true treasure lies in community, relationships, and faith-driven good works. We pray that this sermon catalyzes a radical redefinition of success and value--all inspired by the death and resurrection of Jesus-- and compels us to pursue a legacy that will resonate throughout eternity. ---------- Parables, Jesus, Wisdom, Earthly Wealth, Gospel, Material Possessions, Stewardship, Discipleship, Morality, Values, Shrewdness, Faithfulness, Trustworthiness, Eternity, Community, Relationships, Good Works, Generosity, Doxa, Church, Eastside, Seattle, Redmond

The Lost Coin

February 18, 2024 • Eddie Williams • Luke 15:1–10

Have you ever considered the sheer magnitude of a single moment of joy in heaven? This episode delves into the heart-stirring parables of Jesus in Luke's gospel, revealing the extraordinary lengths to which God goes in His pursuit of the lost and the profound joy that follows their return. Through the lens of Luke 15:1-10, we uncover the emotional depth behind the simple act of finding a lost coin and what it signifies about our worth in the eyes of the Father. Join me as we navigate the intricate tapestry of human value and divine grace, shedding light on the often misconstrued notions of repentance and salvation. We confront the harsh realities of sin and its devaluation of our nature, only to be uplifted by the redemptive power embodied in Jesus's sacrifice. This conversation is an invitation to rediscover the intrinsic value of humanity and recognize how, despite our imperfections, we are tirelessly sought after and cherished by God. As we wrap up, we rejoice in the knowledge of heaven's celebrations over every repentant soul, a theme that resonates deeply as we approach Easter baptisms. It's a moment of collective joy, both on earth and beyond, as we witness new believers take the step of faith into the waters of baptism. Through powerful narratives and personal reflections, Eddie seeks to embolden you with the understanding of immeasurable worth and the transformative impact of God's seeking love. ---------- Parables, Jesus, Luke, Gospel, Kingdom of God, Lost Coin, Redemption, Grace, Lost Souls, Value, Humanity, Repentance, Salvation, God's Love, Celebration, Easter, Baptisms, Religious Deeds, Faith, Doxa, Church, Redmond, Eastside, Seattle, Everyday Stuff of Life

The Barren Fig Tree

February 11, 2024 • Justin Kim • Luke 13:1–9

This morning, Pastor Justin helps unravel the complexities of Jesus's Parable of the Barren Fig Tree in the Gospel of Luke. It's not just a story of agriculture; it's an urgent call to action, drawing us into profound reflection on repentance, change of heart, and the pursuit of genuine alignment with divine principles. As the conversation unfolds, we're invited to shed our old ways and embrace the fertile soil of spiritual renewal, where the seeds of change promise to yield a bountiful harvest. The journey through sin, mortality, and the astonishing patience of God challenges us to look beyond life's calamities as mere punishments. Instead, we discover in the Gospel, a roadmap to transforming these trials into opportunities for introspection and growth. Our collective struggle with self-centeredness and the ever-present chance for redemption forms the crux of our discussion, as we navigate the delicate balance between acknowledging our shortcomings and celebrating the hope ushered in by God's enduring grace. We're reminded that bearing fruit in our lives reflects the essence of a true connection with the divine, a testament to a life deeply rooted in repentance and spiritual maturity. ---------- Repentance, Patience, God, Jesus, Parables, Luke, Sin, Mortality, Divine Forbearance, Barren Fig Tree, Change of Heart, Action, Urgency, Kingdom Values, Grace, Spiritual Growth, Divine Retribution, Christian Faith, Self-Centeredness, Humanity, Redemption, Fruit, Doxa, Church, Redmond, Seattle, Washington, Eastside

The Rich Fool

February 4, 2024 • Eddie Williams • Luke 12:13–21

How often do we equate wealth with happiness, or see our bank accounts as the barometer of our success? This week’s sermon peels back the curtain to reveal a kingdom perspective on wealth and possessions, as taught by Jesus in the parable of the Rich Young Fool as recorded in Luke's Gospel. Jesus' tale of the rich man and his overflowing barns isn't just another biblical lesson--it's a transformative look at what it truly means to be 'rich toward God.' As we move through the narratives, we confront our own preconceptions about money--challenging the comfort and false security it promises. To wrap things up, we shift focus to the role of faith and generosity in breaking free from the idolatry of wealth. Our journey through scripture points us toward a life of service, community, and the advancement of God's kingdom, redefining the purpose of the resources entrusted to us. This episode isn't just about understanding Jesus' parables—it's an invitation to a radical shift in priorities, where giving becomes the pathway to true fulfillment. Join us as we explore how embracing generosity can have a profound impact not just on our lives, but on the world at large. ---------- Jesus, Wealth, Possessions, Success, Parable, Rich Man, Richness, Security, Comfort, Happiness, Priorities, Values, Faith, Community, Service, Pleasure, Comfort, Security, Freedom, Generosity, Doxa, Church, Seattle, Redmond, Eastside, Gospel

The Friend at Midnight

January 28, 2024 • Eddie Williams • Luke 11:1–13

Unlock the secrets of the parables of Jesus and discover the unexpected ethics of God's kingdom with this latest sermon entitled The Friend at Midnight. Pastor Eddie tackles the rich metaphors in Luke 11:1-13 and the radical model of prayer Jesus offers, challenging our everyday perceptions. Our discussion isn't just about the friend at midnight parable's call for persistence; it's a deep dive into how hospitality and the act of persistent prayer reflect the heart of the divine. There is transformative power of asking, seeking, and knocking and we'll explore why we often hesitate to bring our full selves to prayer. Through the Holy Spirit we have companionship of God through all of life's moments, and our heartfelt prayer is not just for the fulfillment of needs but for a closer relationship with the Father for those feeling distant or disconnected. We hope to embolden your prayer life with the confidence that God listens and responds to the deepest needs of our hearts. ---------- Parables, Jesus, Ethics, God's Kingdom, Prayer, Hospitality, Evangelism, Faith, Vulnerability, Holy Spirit, Unanswered Prayers, Apostle Paul, Grace, Weakness, Redemption, Restoration, Hope, Power, Presence, Companionship, Doxa, Church, Redmond, Seattle, Eastside, Washington

The Good Samaritan

January 21, 2024 • Eddie Williams • Luke 10:25–37

Have you ever encountered a story that shook the foundations of what you believe? Our latest series dives into the heart of such narratives, as we unpack the parables unique to the Gospel of Luke. These aren't just quaint bedtime stories; they're revolutionary teachings that turn our understanding of neighborly love on its head. Kicking off with the Parable of the Good Samaritan, we dissect its message and uncover fresh perspectives on mercy, compassion, and the radical hospitality Jesus calls us to embody. Every parable is a window into the realm of the divine, and in this sermon, we navigate the nuanced layers of Jesus' parables--exploring the 'already but not yet' dynamic of God's kingdom—a reality initiated by Jesus that beckons us to live counter-culturally. The stories are masterfully crafted, challenging us to question our worldviews and adopt kingdom values that often stand in stark contrast to societal norms. Through this lens, the parables guide us from Genesis to Revelation, painting a story of a kingdom both present and promised. Concluding the sermon, Pastor Eddie helps us grapple with Jesus' radical acceptance and the expansive reach of his message--which defies traditional religious confines and beckons all who seek him. By exploring these themes, we're encouraged to foster an environment where the transformative power of the gospel is evident through our humility and joy. Together, we'll reflect on the inclusive, yet exclusive, nature of Jesus' message and his call to welcome all into a life of worship, service, and community. Join us on this enlightening exploration into the profound lessons of Jesus' parables and their impact on our journey of faith. ----------- Parables, Luke, Kingdom of God, Jesus, Metaphors, Moral Lessons, Hospitality, Inclusivity, Love, Mercy, Radical Acceptance, Worship, Service, Community, Faith, Evangelism, Transformation, Gospel, Humility, Joy, Doxa, Church, Redmond, Seattle, Washington