
He Gave Generously, We Give Generously

November 28, 2021 • Eddie Williams • 2 Corinthians 8:1–15

Generosity isn’t simply a way to transfer wealth or possessions to others who have less than you. It turns out there is something inside you that instinctively wants to serve those who are in need. We are all people made in God’s image, and as a result, we want to do as our creator has done. Since our God is fundamentally a giver, we have a deep desire to give as well. God has given us his son Jesus to be the substitute for our sin.
When we take Jesus as our Lord, we inherit a generous spirit, one that should desire to bless others. We may sometimes find ourselves not wanting to give our resources. Behind that mindset is a missed opportunity to live in sync with god’s created order for the world, which is rooted in radically, condition-less generosity.

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