
Your Deepest Peace

December 3, 2023 • Eddie Williams • Luke 2:1–14

In the midst of the holiday chaos, we all yearn for a sense of tranquility. We share our personal experiences of trying to create the perfect environment or looking for comfort in food and drink to achieve peace, only to realize that these attempts fall short. True peace, we discover, is found in the midst of life's challenges, much like Mary and Joseph found during the birth of Jesus. We delve into the story of the shepherds who encountered an angel of the Lord, a moment that exposed their false peace and replaced it with God's genuine peace, and we challenge ourselves to be open to similar transformative experiences.

We all have an opportunity to experience the real, enduring peace that comes from knowing Jesus. When we confront the concept of "dark peace" and the fear that peace will eventually end, we can instead cling to the assurance of a peace that is everlasting--a peace found in the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. May this sermon serve as a timely reminder this holiday season that true contentment can be found in Jesus and His sacrifice.


Peace, Holiday Season, Jesus, Birth, Control, Solace, Mary, Joseph, Shepherds, Encounter, Fear, Sacrifice, Contentment, Hope, Love, Joy, Good News, Certainty, Anxiety, Violence, Doxa, Church, Eastside, Redmond, Seattle, Bellevue, Washington