
Jesus Everyday: Digital

June 2, 2024 • Eddie Williams • 1 Corinthians 9:19–23

Can digital spaces be the mission fields of today's world? Ever wondered how to navigate the tricky waters of social media and digital engagement as a follower of Christ? How do we balance the convenience of online church with the irreplaceable value of in-person fellowship?

Join us as we uncover how discipleship and evangelism can breathe new life into our everyday routines as Pastor Eddie explores the Apostle Paul's strategy of becoming "all things to all people" in 1 Corinthians 9, and how we can apply it to our interactions both online and offline. We'll introduce you to the "Receive, Reject, Redeem" paradigm, a practical framework for making discerning choices about modern technology, and by reflecting on historical shifts in media perception, underscore the importance of contextualizing ministry to serve our communities effectively. 

Our goal is to equip you to engage both digital and real-world spaces for the glory of God, fostering authentic connections that lead to a deeper, more fulfilling spiritual life. To learn more about Doxa, or to contribute toward the making of disciples in the everyday, please visit www.doxa-church.com


Digital Discipleship, Evangelism, Online Communication, Gospel Communication, Cultural Sensitivity, Digital Missionary, Online Spaces, Spiritual Growth, Physical Community, Transformation, Good News, Holy Spirit, Gospel, Discipleship, Missional, Church, Eastside, Seattle, Redmond, Doxa