
Declaring Dependence On God - Psalm 2

August 27, 2023 • Chris Rich • Psalm 2

How well do we truly know the heart of God? Journey with us and our guest, Pastor Chris Rich, as we plunge into the profound depths of the Psalms - a divine symphony of human emotions revealing timeless wisdom about God. Hold tight as we navigate the contrasting paths of wisdom and rebellion, painted vividly by the nations' responses to God's leadership throughout the Bible.

Witness the rebellious nations as they rage against the Lord, choosing revolt over worship. Together we'll traverse through the wise and wicked paths, reflecting on the world's response to God's leadership since the dawn of the Bible. We'll explore God's scorn of the insolent nations, and what it signifies about the humility we must embody when surrendering to God's rule. We'll probe the prophecy of a king in Psalm 2, witnessing its fulfillment in Jesus Christ's life, a testament to God's promise of a future devoid of sin, suffering, and tears. Finally, we'll examine the two paths set before us, one leading to ruin and the other to life, reflecting on Jesus's mission to shatter sin's bonds and grant us freedom and life. We'll conclude with a sincere prayer of thanksgiving for God's word, His benevolent warning, and the perfect life Jesus led on our behalf.


Psalms, Bible, Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer, Rebellion, Authority, Nations, Wisdom, Dignity, Honor, Respect, Humility, Prophecy, Jesus Christ, Death, Sin, Suffering, Tears, Destruction, Life, Freedom, Doxa Church, Redmond