
What's My Future Hope?

April 28, 2024 • Eddie Williams • Haggai 2:20–23

Have you ever felt like a piece of a puzzle that doesn't quite fit? That sense of incompleteness pervades our careers, our relationships, and echoes within our internal struggles. This, the final sermon in our series on Haggai, is an open invitation to discover the transformative reassurance of understanding our identities within God's grand narrative. Like Zerubbabel, we'll find hope and solace in the knowledge that even when we feel like we're in the midst of a construction zone, there's a divine blueprint at work, and our story is far from finished.

Let this sermon be a collective exhale for those of us teetering on the edge of despair, searching for the strength to press on. We acknowledge our limitations and embrace the power of the Holy Spirit to persevere. Together, we'll explore how encouragement can be both a lifeline and a legacy we leave for others. So join in, as we fortify our spirits with the assurance that the good work God has begun in us will be carried to completion.


Faith, Encouragement, Distractions, Setbacks, Purpose, Identity, Despair, Hope, Future, War, Suffering, Illness, Loss, Depression, Anxiety, Pain, Faith, Salvation, Jesus, Sacrifice, Peace, Jesus, Christ, Gospel, Doxa, Church, Eastside, Redmond, Seattle

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How Do I Stay Holy In An Unholy World?

April 21, 2024 • Justin Kim • Haggai 2:10–19

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What's My Role In God's Story?

April 14, 2024 • Justin Kim • Haggai 2:1–9

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Whose Plan Takes Priority?

April 7, 2024 • Eddie Williams • Haggai 1

Unlock the wisdom of the prophet Haggai and discover how to navigate the challenges of putting spiritual priorities at the forefront of your life. This sermon takes us from the dusty roads of post-Babylonian Israel to the urgent call for spiritual awakening in our times. Together, we'll unearth the historical significance of Haggai's message and its stark parallels to our contemporary battles with motivation and apathy. \ This sermon isn't just a contemplative pause; it's a call to action. Are you spending as much energy on your spiritual walk as you are on your career or family life? We examine the often-neglected aspect of living out faith through tangible deeds, urging you to evaluate priorities and consider the lasting impact of their obedience to God's plan. Together, we'll contemplate how our actions today reverberate into the future, influencing others in our journey. Join us for an intimate and transformative conversation that promises not only reflection but a renewed invitation to live a life obedient and faithful to Jesus Christ. ---------- Haggai, Motivation, Apathy, Rebuilding, Faith, Deliverance, Covenant, Messiah, Obedience, Priorities, Active Faith, Faithfulness, Future, Gospel, Jesus Christ, Life, Death, Resurrection, Doxa, Church, Seattle, Redmond, Eastside