
What's My Future Hope?

April 28, 2024 • Eddie Williams • Haggai 2:20–23

Have you ever felt like a piece of a puzzle that doesn't quite fit? That sense of incompleteness pervades our careers, our relationships, and echoes within our internal struggles. This, the final sermon in our series on Haggai, is an open invitation to discover the transformative reassurance of understanding our identities within God's grand narrative. Like Zerubbabel, we'll find hope and solace in the knowledge that even when we feel like we're in the midst of a construction zone, there's a divine blueprint at work, and our story is far from finished.

Let this sermon be a collective exhale for those of us teetering on the edge of despair, searching for the strength to press on. We acknowledge our limitations and embrace the power of the Holy Spirit to persevere. Together, we'll explore how encouragement can be both a lifeline and a legacy we leave for others. So join in, as we fortify our spirits with the assurance that the good work God has begun in us will be carried to completion.


Faith, Encouragement, Distractions, Setbacks, Purpose, Identity, Despair, Hope, Future, War, Suffering, Illness, Loss, Depression, Anxiety, Pain, Faith, Salvation, Jesus, Sacrifice, Peace, Jesus, Christ, Gospel, Doxa, Church, Eastside, Redmond, Seattle

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