
Contending for the Faith

May 5, 2024 • Eddie Williams • Jude 1–4

Have you ever stopped to consider the authenticity of your beliefs amidst the cacophony of modern ideologies? Our latest series takes us into the Book of Jude, where we'll delve into the essence of what it means to truly contend for the faith in an era where cultural Christianity risks diluting the potent truth of the biblical message. As societal pressures mount, we uncover the necessity for believers to anchor themselves to the core convictions of their faith with unswerving dedication.

The landscape of American churchgoers and leaders can be a startling place--with personal opinion frequently eclipsing objective truth, and cultural trends outshining biblical worldviews. In this sermon, Pastor Eddie highlights statistics that reveal how subjective beliefs are shaping religious practice and doctrine, particularly among the younger demographic, and emphasizes the significance of living a moral life, while being prepared to defend one's beliefs against critics--underscoring the importance of a faith that is lived out with conviction and substance, and the victory and hope found in Jesus Christ. His triumph over death is not just a historical claim but a present reality that empowers us to spread the gospel with boldness and compassion. Our concluding prayer is an invitation to all—believers and seekers alike—to embrace the peace, mercy, and eternal life that comes with stepping into faith. 


jude, salvation, contending, unity, opposition, doctrine, conviction, relationships, strong marriage, balance, substances, gospel, courage, love, peace, mercy, eternal life

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