
The Best of DJK

The Uniqueness of Christ

September 21, 2003 • D. James Kennedy, Ph.D

Jesus Christ has no peers. You cannot put all the founders of religions in a line and worship them all. He is the solitary One who rises higher above all of the rest, higher than Mount Everest rises above an anthill. He is the unique figure. There are many religions, but only one Gospel; there are many teachers, but only one Savior of the world—Jesus Christ. Sadly, in our day of multi-culturalism, where one religion is as good as the next, it sounds like heresy to say these things.

Life: An Inalienable Right

January 19, 1992 • D. James Kennedy, Ph.D

Our Declaration of Independence declares, “…all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Dr. Francis Schaeffer said in one of his last messages that the right of life is more fundamental and basic than the right even of liberty or the pursuit of happiness, or any other right, for that matter. Indeed, if you are lying in your coffin, you do not care how many shackles and chains have been wrapped around you. Nor do you care how much money you have in your bank account. Without life, nothing else means anything. Tragically, this right to life is being denied to millions of unborn Americans through abortion.

Salt and Light

March 19, 1995 • D. James Kennedy, Ph.D

When someone is the "salt of the earth," that means they are valuable. However, salt also stings. Are you willing to "sting" as you stand up for Christ? Dr. Kennedy explains how Christians are both to evangelize (being light in this dark world) and to fulfill the cultural mandate (being salt). Vance Havner said, “Humanity is a decaying carcass awaiting the vultures of judgment.” So, my friends, it really comes down to this: We are either the carcass or the salt. Which are you today?

Will the Church Forget?

May 25, 1997

Will the Church forget that it plays an important role in society by speaking out on the moral issues? Long Description: Dr. Kennedy encourages pastors to speak out on the important moral issues of our day in his message, "Will the Church Forget." Down through the centuries churches have been the ones who have moved to get rid of most of the great evils of our world, like slavery, cannibalism, prison reform, child labor laws, to name a few. We are involved in a great conflict for the soul of this nation. Let us not be mere spectators on the sidelines.

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

January 21, 1996

Three thousand years ago King David declared that we were “fearfully and wonderfully made . . . and that my soul knoweth right well.” Today we would have to say that what he knew about it was very little. It is obvious even on the surface, as many have observed down through the centuries, that we are an extraordinarily wonderfully wrought creation, that the human body is, indeed, astonishing in many ways. The founders of modern science were Christians. They believed such things as: Examining the creation would bring us closer to the Creator, or that in science, said the founder of astronomy, we were merely thinking God’s thoughts after Him. But evolution teaches differently.

Equipping the Saints

June 20, 2002 • D. James Kennedy, Ph.D

quipping the saints and evangelizing the nations are great to emphasize, if they are more than words and are daily practices in our lives. Unfortunately, many of our saints are not equipped to evangelize at all. They are like soldiers going to war, and we’ ve failed to do one thing—we have never given them any bullets to fight that war. There are churches full of people who are completely impotent when it comes to winning souls for Christ. Meanwhile, many professing Christians neglect the cultural mandate as well

Is There Really Life After Death?

April 20, 2003 • D. James Kennedy, Ph.D

The greatest problem we will ever face is death. We spend billions of dollars on doctors, medicine, police, firemen, the armed forces, all in an effort to hold off death---the king of terrors, but all in vain. Is there really life after death? Dr. Kennedy tells us there is greater hope than we could ever imagine.

The Christian World and Life View

May 18, 2003 • D. James Kennedy, Ph.D

What lies at the root of most cultural conflicts? The culture war is not just about abortion, homosexual rights, the decline of public education. The real war is a struggle between opposing world views---in particular the Christian world view and the secular world view. And if we are going to be really effective in our evangelism and apologetics, it's important that we understand the difference.

Discerning Good and Evil

June 17, 2001 • D. James Kennedy, Ph.D

Is there good and evil? Hear Dr. Kennedy’s message on “Discerning good and evil” and discern the good and evil that takes place for the minds, souls and lives of every American. Goethe, the great German writer, has said that the only struggle in this world worth our attention and our effort is the struggle between faith and unbelief. We are living through just such a period in our country today Find out more about the battle of faith against unbelief.

Evolution and You

August 1, 1990 • D. James Kennedy, Ph.D

Dr. Kennedy shows how Christianity gave birth to modern science. He shows that some of the key tenets of evolution are crumbling. Yet evolution alone is allowed in the classroom. He points out that creation science is more scientific than evolution and that evolution is more religious than it is touted to be. He even notes that Darwin himself couldn’t be quoted in today’s classroom, when Darwin notes that the human eye is so complex that it points to a Creator.

All They That Hate Me Love Death

D. James Kennedy, Ph.D

There is a great clash in our country between the concept of sanctity of life and the concept of quality of life. Sanctity of life is a spiritual concept. It implies sacred, as something God has declared has being of great value. Quality of life is a physical concept, meaning life is merely molecules in motion. Human beings are no more valuable than a common backyard twig. It's thinking like that that led to the Holocaust. And it's thinking like that that leads to the erosion of the value of human life in our time, at birth and at the end of life and everywhere between.

Evidence for God

September 27, 1998 • D. James Kennedy, Ph.D

Is there a God or is there not? That question eclipses all other questions that man might ask. Dr. Mortimer Adler, former professor of the University of Chicago and also the associate editor of that massive set of beautifully bound volumes entitled, The Great Books of the Western World, says this: “More consequences for thought and action follow the affirmation or denial of God than the answering of any other basic question. The whole tenor of human life is affected by whether men regard themselves as the supreme being in the universe, or acknowledge a superhuman being whom they conceive of as an object of fear or love and a force to be defied or a Lord to be obeyed.” Dr. Kennedy provides some of the evidence for God as seen in His design of the world.

For Such a Time as This

March 1, 1998 • D. James Kennedy, Ph.D

Why were you born? Why were you born again? Could it be because God planned for you to be here for such a time as this? Dr. Kennedy believes that is absolutely true. God has prepared every believer for this particular point in history. If every Christian American got involved we could turn this nation right side up. Examining how God used Esther to save the ancient Hebrews provides a great example for all of us.

God’s Purpose for Your Life

September 12, 1999 • D. James Kennedy, Ph.D

What is the purpose for your life? It's a serious question to ponder and one that Dr. Kennedy answers in this sermon. Our lives are to fulfill the cultural mandate and the Great Commission. Those are God’s first command and His last command. These are the two tracks the Christian life is to run on. If we ignore one or the other, then we could easily get off track.

If the Lord Be God, Follow Him

May 29, 1994 • D. James Kennedy, Ph.D

Abraham Lincoln said, "If America is ever to be destroyed, it will not come from without, but the destruction will come from within." What makes that destruction likely? One reason is by not speaking out when your values are attacked. So, how can you stand up for your beliefs—alone if need be? Dr. D. James Kennedy explains in this message, in which he shows how Elijah’s confrontation with the prophets of Baal has lessons for us.