
Study to Show Yourself Approved

2 Timothy 2:15

July 5, 2024

“Study to show yourself approved by God, a workman who need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

— 2 Timothy 2:15

God has made us unique creatures in this world. We are the only beings on this planet who have been given an intellect; all others operate by blind instinct. God expects us to use our minds. If we do not, we will stand in the judgment and give an account of the reason that we have not. Now I think that very often people do not consider that mental laziness is a sin. There are some people that say that they have no desire to learn much, and as soon as they get out of school, for all practical purposes they stop learning anything of significance. They suppose that this is just like some people like carrots and some people don’t, and they don’t particularly care about learning. The Bible says this is wrong.

The Bible also makes it clear that if a person does not endeavor with this eagerness to learn to seek after the things of God—after that practical wisdom that comes from God, that he, too, is a fool and has missed the point of Jesus Christ. Now there are those who deny this. Jesus says wisdom is justified of her children, and I think that the best of interpreters agree that here is an allusion to the passage in Proverbs 8, where wisdom incarnate cries out in the streets for people to listen and heed. Some people believe this is a preincarnate Christ who is the incarnate logos of God. We should be lifelong students of the living Word of God.

Omniscient God, You who know all things, give me strength for today to keep learning and growing and using the mind You gave me. Thank You that You are the source of all wisdom. I ask that I might be wise in the matters of Your kingdom…


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