
Practicing The Presence Of God

Matthew 28:20

March 18, 2023

‘…and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.’
— Matthew 28:20

Do you know that God is with you right now as you read these words? Do you experience His presence in everything you do?

In seventeenth-century France, a humble monk named Brother Lawrence wrote magnificent letters to a friend, letters now compiled in a little booklet entitled Practicing the Presence of God. Brother Lawrence had learned to practice God’s presence in everything he did. He found perfect peace and tranquillity in focusing his mind upon God in every experience, whenever his mind wasn’t focused on something else. He found that, during hectic times of kitchen duty and other chores, he experienced peace through focusing on the Lord through practicing God’s presence.

We live in a very hectic and stressful era. But much of the stress we feel is determined by our reactions to the circumstances of our lives. And nothing puts life into perspective better than practicing God’s presence. For this reason, I think we should strive to continually incline our hearts toward God so that after our minds turn to other things, our thoughts will automatically return to God, just as the needle of a compass points north again after moving away from something that interferes with its natural bent.

How do we continually incline our hearts toward God? Memorizing Scripture is a great start. Then, when not occupied with immediate issues, we can return our thoughts to meditating on God’s Word. We can also practice God’s presence by memorizing and singing hymns (even if only in our minds). The key is to constantly remind ourselves of His presence.

So today, no matter how hectic your life may be, recognize the Lord’s presence within you. Practice His presence at all times…in the midst of stressful situations…between appointments…driving down the street…everywhere!

The world appears very little to a soul that contemplates the greatness of God. My business is to remain in the presence of God.

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