
The Purpose For Living

Matthew 6:33

March 22, 2023

‘But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.’
— Matthew 6:33

What’s the purpose of life? That question was once asked in a high-school English class of some twenty students, and not one single person came up with an answer that made sense.

Do you know the purpose of your life?

One time a young man who had just graduated from Oxford University approached a friend of the family, Prime Minister Gladstone, and asked if Gladstone would listen to the plan he had mapped out for his life. Gladstone said, “Fine. Tell me.” “Well, I have just graduated, and I intend to take the bar exam and practice law.” “That’s fine. What then?” “After some experience I hope to run for Parliament.” “That’s great. What then?” “I hope to make some contribution toward the betterment of our country.” “Excellent. What then?” “Well, after a while, I’ll retire.” “Very well. What then?” “Well, I guess someday, I’ll die.” “That’s right. And what then?” “Well, sir, I really don’t know. I never really thought about it.” Gladstone fixed his eyes on the young man and with a piercing gaze said to him, “Young man, you are a fool. Go home and think life through again.”

Would you get the same response if you laid out your plans, your purposes, your intentions for your life before God? What is your purpose for living?

If we don’t determine our purposes in life, we’ll come to the end empty-handed. God has placed us on this earth to bring Him glory. Our purpose in life should be to know God and to make Him known. Everything we do should flow from that purpose.

How can you fulfill God’s purpose for you today?

Here rests a man who never rested here.

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