
Christ – the Power of Life

Colossians 1:27

March 20, 2024

“To them God would make known what is the glorious riches of this mystery among the nations. It is Christ in you, the hope of glory.”

— Colossians 1:27

Christ is the power of my life. The Bible says that Christ will come to dwell in our hearts—that we can be strengthened with His might in the inner man and be able to accomplish many wonderful things through His strength.

We had a number of folks come over to our house one time for some fellowship. Later in the evening, one of the young men said, “I have a question.”

I said, “Yes. Don’t make it too hard or I will have to go and ask my wife.

What is it?”

He said, “How do you do it?”

And I asked, “Do what?”

He replied, “How do you do all that you have to do over there? Do you have unlimited energy?”

I just started laughing. I can’t think of anyone who naturally has any less energy than I do, or any less strength than I do, but I have discovered a wonderful secret—the secret Paul had discovered, when he said, “I can do all things because of Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13).

Have you discovered that secret? I know from my own experience that Christ is the power of my life, because I know that I have done innumerable things that I was absolutely certain I could not do before. He has enabled me to do them. Christ is the power. We can be strengthened with might in the inner man to do things we never dreamt we could do because Christ lives in us.

Almighty God, You are the all-powerful one. Give me strength for today to see my weakness and physical limitations, and my spiritual shortcomings. Thank You for being the strength of my life…


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