
The Magic of Christmas

December 17, 2022 • Isaiah 49:13

Sing, O heavens! And be joyful, O earth! And break forth into singing, O mountains! For the LORD has comforted His people, and will have mercy on His afflicted.
— Isaiah 49:13

Tragically, so many today miss the real meaning of Christmas. A little boy attended Sunday School infrequently and on Christmas, when the teacher showed him a picture of the manger scene, the little boy said, "What's a camel doing there? Don't they know that camels don't have anything to do with Christmas? Santa Claus uses reindeers." Sadly, many Americans, like that boy, don't even know whose birthday Christmas celebrates.

Behind all of the frenetic rushing about and the man-made glitter of this season, I believe there is something strangely poignant, tender and touching about Christmastime. Perhaps it is felt in the music, in carols such as "Silent Night Holy Night," "Joy to the World," "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day," and "O Holy Night." There is something about the season that seems to just reach out and tug at the human heart.

What is it that we sense? Some deep and ancient joy calls to us from heaven above, our ultimate true home. In Christmas, God is reaching out with His mercy for us afflicted humans. He is showing us a little glimpse of heaven. Earth and heaven are a little closer at Christmas than any other time of the year.

Question to ponder:
Why do we long to be home for Christmas? What is this intense longing that we feel?

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