
God’s Anvil

Many attack the Bible with their hammers, but their hammers get smashed on God’s anvil (i.e., the

September 29, 1985 • D. James Kennedy, Ph.D

Dr. Kennedy says, “I once saw a painting of a large anvil. And around the anvil on the floor there lay scattered dozens of broken, shattered, smashed hammers. And underneath the words from the scriptures: ‘The word of our Lord endureth forever.’ God’s anvil is an appropriate metaphor for the Word of God, which has endured the attacks of innumerable skeptics and unbelievers and yet still stands, unscathed in spite of the onslaught of the ages. ‘Hammer away, ye hostile hands, your hammers break, God’s anvil stands.’ Dr. Kennedy shows how God, in a supernatural way, has sustained His Word down through the centuries against attacks from all classes and ranks of men.

The Uniqueness of Christ

September 21, 2003 • D. James Kennedy, Ph.D

Jesus Christ has no peers. You cannot put all the founders of religions in a line and worship them all. He is the solitary One who rises higher above all of the rest, higher than Mount Everest rises above an anthill. He is the unique figure. There are many religions, but only one Gospel; there are many teachers, but only one Savior of the world—Jesus Christ. Sadly, in our day of multi-culturalism, where one religion is as good as the next, it sounds like heresy to say these things.

Life: An Inalienable Right

January 19, 1992 • D. James Kennedy, Ph.D

Our Declaration of Independence declares, “…all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Dr. Francis Schaeffer said in one of his last messages that the right of life is more fundamental and basic than the right even of liberty or the pursuit of happiness, or any other right, for that matter. Indeed, if you are lying in your coffin, you do not care how many shackles and chains have been wrapped around you. Nor do you care how much money you have in your bank account. Without life, nothing else means anything. Tragically, this right to life is being denied to millions of unborn Americans through abortion.

Salt and Light

March 19, 1995 • D. James Kennedy, Ph.D

When someone is the "salt of the earth," that means they are valuable. However, salt also stings. Are you willing to "sting" as you stand up for Christ? Dr. Kennedy explains how Christians are both to evangelize (being light in this dark world) and to fulfill the cultural mandate (being salt). Vance Havner said, “Humanity is a decaying carcass awaiting the vultures of judgment.” So, my friends, it really comes down to this: We are either the carcass or the salt. Which are you today?