
Who Stole the Truth | Truths That Transform

As America has drifted further away from truth—and been pushed there by those who reject God—our culture has become more chaotic, divided, confused, and angry. On this week's "Truths That Transform," we investigate the attack on truth itself and the devastating way that’s affecting our children.

The Father in the House | Truths That Transform

June 14, 2024

Our culture lies about fatherhood, telling us dads are unnecessary. And there are other cultural lies that are driving us into despair and even death. On this week's "Truths That Transform," we counter some of the most insidious lies of our culture with biblical truth—and we celebrate fatherhood.

Modern Myths: Man Is Basically Good | Truths That Transform

June 7, 2024

Scripture tells us that Satan is the father of lies. He tempted the first two humans with lies that brought death. And Satan continues to convince us of lies today—rejoicing in the catastrophic results. On this week's "Truths That Transform," we will expose one lie that has led our nation into chaos and another lie that is one of the deadliest beliefs in history.

A Time to Remember | Truths That Transform

May 24, 2024

On this Memorial Day Weekend, we examine the truths of the nation our brave soldiers have fought and died for and consider the question, "Is America still worth fighting for?" Also, as we remember America’s fallen heroes, we look back to the greatest sacrifice of all.