
21 days of Prayer & Fasting

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting - Day 21

January 28, 2024 • Luke 4:19, 2 John

Today’s Bible Reading: Revelation 4:1, 3 John Possessing Vision For The Guture Today marks the last day of our 21-day journey towards an Open Heaven. Heaven is open wide over your life and God is pouring out His blessing, anointing and power on you. But these 21 days are just the beginning of something new. To go the distance, we must have vision for the future! Success in God’s kingdom begins with a God-inspired vision. As we walk under an Open Heaven, God gives us vision for our lives and for His kingdom. A vision is a picture of where God wants to bring us. It gives us an aim and guide on how we should invest our time and effort, make decisions, and set our priorities. If you want your life to be significant, let it be built around a God-given vision. We must possess God’s vision in every season of life. Joseph in the Old Testament was given dreams of greatness as a boy. Years later, this dream was fulfilled. Even in his older years, he nurtured a dream of his bones being re-buried in the promised land. In whatever season you’re in right now or are walking into, ask God for a clear and compelling vision of what He wants to do in and through you! Vision must be nurtured by focusing on it and declaring it. Vision needs to be kept alive by keeping it at the centre of our attention. When God told Abraham that he would be the father of many nations, he was declaring something that did not seem possible. Abraham had to keep his eyes on the vision and declare it by faith, even though its fulfilment did not come until many years later. Likewise, we must remind ourselves of the vision God has given us and continually declare its fulfilment. Don’t end these 21 days without a vision from God for your future! Ask Him to give you a vision for your life, family and ministry. Live with great faith and expectation that God will fulfil the vision as you walk under an Open Heaven! Response What is the vision you feel God is giving you for your life? Take time to write it down and share it with someone. What will you start doing to turn that vision into reality? Prayer Dear God, thank You for giving me a vision for the future. Help me to keep my eyes fixed on You, and to run wholeheartedly in the direction of Your plans for me, even when it is uncomfortable or difficult. I know You will be faithful in helping me accomplish Your will. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting - Day 20

January 27, 2024 • Luke 4:19, 2 John

Today’s Bible Reading: Luke 4:19-19, 2 John Receiving A Fresh Anointing The Bible tells many stories of how Jesus performed miracles, signs and wonders wherever He went. The Bible also tells us that He did them as a man, just as we are. But because He had the anointing of the Holy Spirit, He moved in power to bring healing, breakthrough, and freedom to others. Under an Open Heaven, God pours out this same anointing on us, so we can be just as effective as Jesus was in His ministry. When God calls us, He anoints us for His work. He anoints us to bless those around us through ways that are beyond our natural abilities. You can boldly preach the gospel to your family and friends and see them saved, pray for sick people and see them healed, and minister to the broken-hearted and see their joy restored. The Holy Spirit works even through our weaknesses. God declares, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.” God has freely given you the anointing sothat you may serve Him in power. Even if you feel unqualified, the Holy Spirit anoints you to touch the world in a unique way that only you can! Be encouraged - it isn’t you, it’s the Holy Spirit working through you! We can do greater works as we operate in His anointing. Shortly before Jesus went to the cross, He left these words: “...anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works because I am going to be with the Father.” This same promise holds true for you today. The best way to experience God’s anointing flowing through you is to go to where the needs are and begin ministering God’s love and grace. Start believing you are anointed. Start now, and see a greater manifestation of His power in and through your life. Response What are some feelings, thoughts, or things in your life that hold you back from moving in the anointing? Ask God for a fresh anointing! If we are to do new things for the kingdom, we cannot just rely on what we have received in the past. Prayer Dear God, thank You for anointing me to serve You and to bless those around me. By faith, I receive a fresh anointing to do the extraordinary things that You are calling me to. Let me be a channel of Your love and power to this world. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting - Day 19

January 26, 2024 • Ephesians 3:20, 1 John 5

Today’s Bible Reading: Ephesians 3:20, 1 John 5 Being Filled With God’s Power When you think about powerful people, some that might come to mind are billionaires, superheroes or heads of big companies. They often share common traits - being successful, confident, and having influence. Sounds attractive? Here is a truth: as God’s child, you have access to power that comes from God himself, which accomplishes much more than what money, position or influence can. In Ephesians 3, Paul says that the power that comes from God enables us to effectively fulfil everything that He has called us to. It is supernatural, giving us strength beyond our human capacity and accomplishing things of eternal value! Here’s how we can experience more of His power flowing through us: Attempt greater things for God. Think about the times when you avoided God’s plans because of your own limitations. It may be a time you held back from sharing the gospel because you feared rejection, or a time when you said ‘no’ to discipling or mentoring a newer believer because you felt inadequate. From today, decide that you will step out boldly to do these things, because it is God’s power working within you that enables you to do them! Ask for bigger things with boldness. He is able to do much more than we can ask or imagine! God is creative, strong, powerful and able to do the impossible. He can go way past the limitations we face, and we are only limited by what we are willing to ask and expect. So have faith and ask God for bigger things, and experience His power in action! Be constantly filled with the Holy Spirit. Acts 1:8 says that you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you! The mighty power that works within us is the power of the Holy Spirit. Ask God to baptise you in the Holy Spirit. As he does, His power overflows in us and gives us strength and boldness to accomplish His will. Living under an Open Heaven gives us full access to God’s power, so let us walk boldly in it! Response What can you do to remind yourself of God’s power in your difficult situations? Think of a difficult situation you’re going through. How would you respond differently now knowing that you have God’s power within you? Prayer Dear God, thank you for empowering me to accomplish Your will and to overcome difficult situations. Give me the faith to believe that as I set out to do Your work, You will give me the power I need. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting - Day 18

January 25, 2024 • Philippians 4:19, 1 John 4

Today’s Bible Reading: Philippians 4:19, 1 John 4 Experiencing Supernatural Provision The Bible is full of stories of God’s supernatural provision. In Exodus, God provided manna and quail for the Israelites as they journeyed in the wilderness after leaving Egypt. In Matthew, God multiplied five loaves of bread and two fish and fed 5,000 in one sitting. Today, we serve the same God of the Bible who is more than able to supernaturally provide for all our needs. We can access the supernatural provision of God in the following ways: Acknowledge God as our Provider. Jesus demonstrated this in the feeding of the 5,000, where He looked to heaven and acknowledged His Father before performing the miracle. Acknowledge that all you have comes from God, and that He is more than able to supply what you need. Giving thanks to God for His provision is a simple way of acknowledging Him as our source. Know that God’s supply is unlimited. God supplies us from His glorious riches which never run out. God Himself is infinite and He gives to us out of His inexhaustible treasury of wealth. Faith is the currency of heaven. Through faith, we can stand on His promises and know that God’s bank cannot run dry. Give much and you will receive much. God will supply our needs and will use us at times to be His channel to supply the needs of others. In 1 Kings, the widow of Zarephath gave to the prophet Elijah her last meal which was everything she had to live on. God intervened to supernaturally provide for her and the prophet during the famine. As we sow much, we can expect to reap much. As we live under an Open Heaven, God will pour out his provision and blessing beyond what we can expect, so that we may experience an abundant and overflowing life! Response Which areas in your life are you believing God to provide for? God works supernaturally when we are at the limits of what is naturally possible. What is a step of faith God is asking you to take? Take it, and see how that unlocks the supernatural provision of God. Prayer Dear God, I acknowledge that all that I have comes from You. I believe You will never fail to provide for all my needs. Help me to have the faith to put my trust in You, and to look to You to fulfil all my needs. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting - Day 16

January 23, 2024 • Acts 9:3–6, 1 John 2

Today’s Bible Reading: Acts 9:3-6, 1 John 2 Walking In Your Destiny Living under an Open Heaven means walking in the destiny God has for us. For the apostle Paul, heaven opened over him and in a moment, God turned the course of his life around. He was transformed from a persecutor of Christians to the most prolific missionary of the early church! As you live under an Open Heaven, expect that God will show up, speak, and direct you towards your destiny and calling. Walking in our destiny requires us to make intentional decisions. After Saul encountered God, he shared with others the miracle he had experienced, and about the reality of God in his life. He didn’t just hear God speak; he made a decision that took him in the direction of that calling. Choose to make decisions today that will also take you in the direction of the destiny and purpose that God has for you! With each decision, God will make the next step clearer. Walking in our destiny also requires us to humbly submit our talents to God. For all the bad that Saul did before he encountered God, he was a man with passion and leadership. These were directed towards persecuting the Jews, but after he received a new destiny, he used these talents to build the early church! Today, you may not have the full roadmap to your destiny, or know clearly the way to get there. But heaven is already open over your life! Take the next step in obedience to what God has already spoken to you about. Surrender your time and talents to Him, and ask Him to lead you to places where these can be used for His kingdom. Response What are the things God has already asked you to do? Start doing them, because these are the building blocks to walking in your destiny. Speak to a close friend or leader about where you feel God is calling you and account to them about what you’re doing to move forward in that calling. Prayer Lord, thank You for the destiny You’ve placed on my life. I choose to surrender my decisions and choices to You. Give me courage to take daily steps to walk in my purpose. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting - Day 15

January 22, 2024 • Revelation 1:17–18, 1 John 1

Week Three In this last week of the 21 days, we journey into Living Under an Open Heaven, where we experience the fullness of God’s power and blessing. Under an Open Heaven, we boldly enter God’s presence with great expectation. We experience a greater revelation of who God is and have more powerful encounters with Him. We access God’s provision of health, joy, and spiritual and natural abundance. Receiving dreams and visions for the future become commonplace. We receive God’s anointing and power just as the apostles did in the New Testament church. This week, believe that heaven is open wide over you and let His rich presence and power fill you! Day Fifteen Today’s Bible Reading: Revelation 1:17-18, 1 John 1 Seeing Who God Is When we think about going on a holiday, we get excited about experiencing new things. We are eager about seeing a whole new world, tasting different cuisines, and enjoying the culture of that place. We get to bask in all these experiences and ensure that nothing deters us from having the full experience. But as much as we enjoy these new places, it cannot compare to experiencing God. He is the one who created us, the universe, and all that is in it! God has given us full and free access to Him and welcomes us to encounter the fullness of who He is. Living under an Open Heaven means having a right perspective of the One who lives in heaven and opens it over our lives. How we view and understand God affects the way we think andlive. How are you seeing God? Do you see Him as bigger than your problems? Do you see him as the One who has the power to touch you? Saul, Stephen, Isaiah and John were all great men of God who saw God for who He is, and whose lives were transformed as a result. We can also be confident that God never changes. Even if situations have blurred our vision of who God is, the Bible assures us that He is the same yesterday, today and forever. The God who parted the Red Sea, provided the children of Israel manna in the desert and raised the dead to life is the same God who can lead you out of impossible situations and heal you. Ask God today to give you a fresh revelation of who He is. Turn your eyes towards the Open Heaven, see Him seated in authority on His throne, and stir up your faith and expectation for what He will do! Response What perspectives of God have you had that are not in line with what the Bible says? Let’s surrender those to Him, and choose instead to see God as His Word says He is! Write down three things about who God is that you will choose to believe and declare over your life this week. Prayer Dear God, thank You that You reveal Yourself to us, and that we can experience the fullness of who You are. Help me to look past my doubts and unbelief and give me the faith to see You for who You are. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting - Day 1 4

January 21, 2024 • Matthew 26:41, 2 Timothy 4

Today’s Bible Reading: Matthew 26:41, 2 Timothy 4 Knowing Whose You Are In 1972, a well-known psychologist, Walter Mischel, conducted an experiment where children were offered one marshmallow which they could have immediately, or two small treats if they resisted and waited for 15 minutes. This was known as the Stanford Marshmallow Experiment. Although most children could not resist the marshmallow, some children successfully resisted the temptation and were rewarded. Although most of us don’t struggle with marshmallows anymore, all of us struggle with sin and temptation. As we step into an Open Heaven, this is how the enemy will try and trip us up. The good news is that God promises He is faithful in times of temptation, and will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can endure. God also promises that when we are faced with temptation, He will provide a way out for us! Matthew 26:41 tells us how we can overcome temptation: Firstly, we need to “keep watch”. Be on the lookout for what trips us up. Are we more susceptible when we’re feeling down, or when we’re alone, or when we haven’t spent time with God? God has also given us a community of believers so we can be accountable and look out for one another. Secondly, we need to pray. Turning to God is the surest way to run from sin and temptation. He is light, and the darkness flees in His presence. So many times we turn to our own strength and willpower to run away, when what we needed to do was to have the strength and willpower to run towards God and be in His presence. Strengthen your spirit through prayer. Fast and deny the flesh, and yield to the desires of the Spirit instead. As we do this, believe that God will lead you out of these 21 days with victory over sin and temptation, and into the wide Open Heaven that He has promised us! Response Identify the circumstances where you are most likely to give in to temptation and share this with a leader. Bringing it to light is the first step towards overcoming the enemy. As Jesus did, memorise one or two verses of Scripture that will enable you to fight temptation when you need it most. Prayer Dear God, I thank You that You are faithful, and that You will provide a way out for me when I am tempted. I declare that You have won the victory over sin and death, so I can also experience victory over temptation. I step into the life of calling and the Open Heaven that You have for me! In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting - Day 13

January 20, 2024 • Hebrews 11:8, 2 Timothy 3

Today’s Bible Reading: Hebrews 11:8, 2 timothy 3 Knowing Whose You Are Everyone has that one friend that claims to be good with directions, but who always ends up getting lost! Instead of pointing you in the right direction, listening to this friend leads you further away from your destination. And you’ll be telling yourself that the next time you need directions, you would not look to this friend! Thankfully, God knows the destination that He wants to lead us to. God is leading us into an Open Heaven. God told Abraham to leave his home to go to a land that he did not know of. God promised Abraham an Open Heaven over his life and the generations after him. Without any hesitation, Abraham stepped out in faith and obeyed because he heard God’s voice and trusted in His leading. The journey was not easy, but Abraham believed in the promises of God. We can trust God’s leadership because His heart towards us is good. Like Abraham, it might not seem that good at first, but God’s plan is always to prosper us, and to give us a hope and a future! If you haven’t seen God’s promise fulfilled in your life, don’t give up! God’s not done with you yet. As you continue in these 21 days, declare God’s promises over your life. Speak those promises over your life and step out in faith into whatever He is calling you to do. Trust His leadership, and He will fulfil His promise of an Open Heaven over your life. Response Write down some of God’s promises for your life today that you are believing God for. As you set time aside in these 21 days, ask God to increase your faith to believe Him for these promises. What is a decision that God is leading you into that you need faith for? Start taking steps towards it and talk to a leader about it today. Prayer Dear God, I trust that Your plans for me are good and are to give me a future and hope. In times when I cannot see where You are leading me, help me to trust that You are good. I believe that You are leading me into an Open Heaven. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting - Day 12

January 19, 2024 • Romans 8:15–16, 2 Timothy 2

Today’s Bible Reading: Romans 8:15-16, 2 Timothy 2 Knowing Whose You Are As a child, we feel safe knowing that we belong, and there is a sense of authority when we are in the house. We can freely access things in the house when we know our parents give us permission to. We belong! This is what Romans 8 says - our Heavenly Father has adopted us as His own children! We can be confident in the relationship we have with our Father. Even if your relationship with your biological father was not perfect, we can be sure that God is the good and perfect Heavenly Father. 1 John 3:1 reiterates this when it says “See how very much our Father loves us, for He calls us His children, and that is what we are!” He is a good Father. We don’t have to second-guess His intentions towards us, or feel the need to strive for His approval. He is a perfect Father who loves us unconditionally! Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the Father’s heart to you. If your view of God has been shaped by past negative experiences or identities that others have tried to place on you, ask the Holy Spirit to show you what the Father’s heart really is. Declare Romans 8:15-16 over your life today because you belong to God! Allow this truth to transform the way you relate with your Heavenly Father. We can approach God with honesty and vulnerability, and boldly enter into His presence. It is an honour and privilege to be called sons and daughters of the Most High God! We have this access to God as His children and can tap into all of the good things and blessings that He desires to pour out on us. Start today by declaring whose you are - you are a child of the Living God, and He is your Father. He loves you and protects you. He has good plans for your life and there is nothing that can separate you from the love of God! Response Have past experiences distorted the way you see God, and what He thinks about you? Surrender these experiences to the Father today and let Him assure you of your identity as His child. Thank God for the privilege of being His child and start to have honest conversations with God about your life, your circumstances, your feelings and your struggles. He cares for you and you belong to Him! Prayer Thank You Lord, for the awesome privilege to call You ‘Abba, Father’ and to have this confidence in knowing whose I am. Because of this, I now come boldly into Your presence and receive freely all You have for me - Your unconditional love and overwhelming goodness! In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting - Day 11

January 18, 2024 • 1 Peter 2:9, 2 Timothy 1

Today’s Bible Reading: 1 Peter 2:9, 2 Timothy 1 Knowing Who You Are Today is grocery day. This means the fridge is loaded with goodies for the family. Expectantly, you pull open the freezer door and see a glorious box of your favourite ice cream. Without a second thought, you help yourself to one, sinking your teeth into its cracking chocolate shell and velvety smooth ice cream. You don’t pause for even a moment to ask if you could have one because you know who you are. You are family, and that gives you access. Knowing who we are is so essential. Even Jesus’ ministry on Earth began with the Father declaring at Jesus’ baptism that He was His Son! Similarly, if we want to live out all that God has for us, we need to first know who we are in Christ. The problem is, we sometimes struggle with accepting this God-given identity because of past mistakes or flaws, or we don’t feel like we’re there yet. But identity is not a feeling. We may not be the perfect child or feel like the best parent, but that does not make us any less of a child or a parent! Likewise, ‘not feeling it’ does not change who God already says we are. This is precisely the enemy’s plan - for us to believe ourselves to be less so that we will deny ourselves access to Heaven’s resources and live our lives shortchanged. We can begin to accept our God-given identity in simple faith. Put your doubts aside for a minute and tune in to God’s voice - you are who He says you are. You are chosen, not forsaken; a child of God, deeply loved, richly blessed, and highly favoured! This means you are a deliberate part of God’s plan and not an accident! He made you intricately, loves you unconditionally, and watches over you unceasingly! Now, declare it and experience for yourself the power of a declaration, especially in moments when you don’t feel like it. When we truly know who we are in Christ, we access the authority, power and resources that are available to us. That makes us a threat to the kingdom of darkness. This is why the enemy works to steal or distort our identity in order to cripple our potential. We can make a decision today to not let him have his way. Know who you are, and guard it fiercely! Response Make a list of some of the things that God says about you. These could be Bible verses, or truths from past encounters you’ve had with God. Declare your God-given identify and how it can help you get through difficult situations you might be facing today. Prayer Dear Holy Spirit, I need You! I welcome You into my life. Thank you for being my Teacher, Encourager and Counsellor. Help me to depend on You and be led by You. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting - Day 9

January 16, 2024 • Deuteronomy 30:16, 1 Timothy 4

Today’s Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 30:16, 1 Timothy 4 Knowing The Holy Spirit In John 14, Jesus told His disciples that He was leaving them. He had spent about three years with them and now He was going to be with the Father. But He was not abandoning them to fend for themselves. He had asked the Father to give them the Holy Spirit, who would be with them and never leave them. The Holy Spirit isn’t a mystery, or an elusive person or concept. He is a gift from God to us. We do not have to search for Him, or unravel who He is. In fact, the Bible says clearly that we can know Him, because He lives with us and is in us. God has given us the Holy Spirit to navigate the journey of life. The Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth. Whatever problems or uncertainty there may be in our lives, the Holy Spirit has been given to us to help us. He will guide us and lead us and give us the answer we need to walk through those situations. When we are tempted, He is there to provide a way out for us. When we fail, He is there to convict us and lead us to repentance. The Holy Spirit will never leave us. He is the helper that the Father has sent to be by our side. We don’t have to walk through life alone because the Holy Spirit is with us. Regardless of our situation or our feelings, the truth remains that the Holy Spirit has been sent to us to be by our side. What a great comfort and assurance God has given us! We are never alone! The Holy Spirit is in us. He is not just a guide, or someone by your side - He is alive and lives in you! The Holy Spirit is a part of you and walks with you through life. He is not just a force or a power, but a Person you can talk with and pour your heart out to. So invite Him today into your work, marriage, finances, ministry, and every area of your life. Acknowledge His presence in your life and choose to know Him more today. Response Start every day by inviting the Holy Spirit to be a part of your life - whether it’s in your family, relationships, finances, studies or work. Acknowledge your need for the Holy Spirit because He is here to help you. What is an area of your life where you need the Holy Spirit to guide and help you? Invite Him into those areas and trust that He can work on your behalf. Prayer Dear Holy Spirit, I need You! I welcome You into my life. Thank you for being my Teacher, Encourager and Counsellor. Help me to depend on You and be led by You. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting - Day 8

January 15, 2024 • Deuteronomy 30:16, 1 Timothy 4

Week Two This week’s focus is on Stepping Into an Open Heaven. We see what it looks like to step into an Open Heaven when Jesus obeyed God and came to John the Baptist to be baptised before beginning His ministry. The heavens opened above Him and the Spirit of God came down and rested on Him. And the Father’s voice thundered out of heaven declaring His affirmation and love for His son. What triggered this awesome event? It was Jesus’ earnest desire to obey His Father in whatever was required of Him, and it must be the same with us. To step into an Open Heaven, we must obey what He tells us to do. When we obey, we enjoy deeper intimacy and a closer walk with Him. We can then hear His voice more clearly, know our identity as children of God, and step boldly into the plans He has for us. Today’s Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 30:16, 1 Timothy 4 Obeying God’s Call “Love is a verb.” To know if someone loves us, we need to see it put into action so we can feel and experience it. This is true of a child’s relationship with his parents, where an expression of love is his obedience. What a joy it is for a father when his child chooses to obey not out of compulsion, but because of love and trust that his father has good intentions for his life! Today, God is calling us to love Him and walk in His ways. He does not compel us but gives us a choice. Deuteronomy 30:16 says “If you do this…” because God wants us to respond to His call to love Him by choosing to obey Him. This verse was written as a promise to the children of Israel that He would bless them if they would obey His commands. Our obedience is the key to unlock the promises of God over our lives! We can show our obedience to God in the choices that we make today. Saying ‘Yes’ to God is a tangible way to show that we trust in His love. We can choose to put a stop to an ungodly relationship or forgive someone who has offended us, or take a step of faith to serve Him in a ministry. We can set aside some time everyday to communicate with Him by reading His word and building a consistent prayer life. Whatever the Holy Spirit is saying to us today, choose to obey and say ‘yes’ to Him. God wants to lead us to walk under an Open Heaven because He loves us. When we love and obey Him, we embark on an adventure with Him, and can expect a great reward for it! Response Make a list of the ways God has blessed you in the past when you obeyed. Remembering God’s goodness gives you the courage to trust Him more. Write down some things that might be holding you back from obeying God. Talk to Him about it and let Him assure you that what He has for you is greater than any of these things. Prayer Dear God, I thank You because Your plans for me are always good. Help me to trust in Your love for me and love You in return by obeying You. I want to receive Your blessings and experience the abundant life You have planned for me. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting - Day 7

January 14, 2024 • Deuteronomy 14:2, 1 Timothy 3

Today’s Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 14:2, 1 Timothy 3 Set Yourself Apart This week we have been focused on Returning to God - getting desperate for Him, putting Him first in our lives, and drawing near to Him. As we end this first week of the 21 days, let’s consecrate ourselves to Him. To consecrate something or someone means to make it sacred or set apart for a specific purpose. Deuteronomy 14:2 tells us the following truths about how we should be consecrated to God: We have been set apart as Holy. This means that our thoughts, words and lifestyles should conform to what the word of God says. Our lives should demonstrate righteous living, with a standard of purity that distinguishes us from the rest of the world. What are some thoughts or behaviours that we need to put aside or change so that we can be holy, just as God is holy? Make a decision to consecrate those to God today. We have been chosen. Of all the people in the world, God has chosen you to be His child. You are not just one among the crowd of your family, school or church; God has a specific plan for you to fulfil! Commit yourself to be used by God in the unique purpose He has destined for your life. This means saying ‘no’ to some things that the world may offer you, so that you can say ‘yes’ to what God wants you to do! We are His special treasure. When we live lives of holiness and make decisions that align ourselves with His will, we find our true worth as His special treasure! We are valuable to Him and useful for the kingdom because God can use us to accomplish His purposes on the earth. Choose to set yourself apart today! Response What are some areas in your life that have not been set apart as holy? Surrender these things to God today and ask Him to make you wholly consecrated to Him. What are some things that God is asking you to do that you have delayed saying ‘yes’ to? Choose to set yourself apart for Him, and say ‘yes’ to these things today. Prayer Dear God, thank You that you have chosen me. I commit myself to You, that I might be set apart as holy and bring You glory wherever I go. Help me see the destiny You have for me, and help me to model what it means to be consecrated for You. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting - Day 6

January 13, 2024 • Genesis 32:26, 1 Timothy 2

Today’s Bible Reading: Genesis 32:26, 1 Timothy 2 Lay Hold Of God Genesis 32 describes an account of Jacob wrestling with God. The Bible doesn’t explain why God decided to have this wrestling match with him, but it does describe Jacob’s remarkable response. Jacob held on to God for the whole night, not letting Him go even when his hip was dislocated! In the midst of his pain, he then demanded a blessing, and received a new name, Israel. The name and fate of a nation was transformed because Jacob decided to take a hold of God and not let Him go! Like Jacob, we too need to lay hold of God. Laying hold of God means to focus on Him and not be distracted by other things that demand our attention. It means to persist in waiting on Him until we see His face clearly, and push through the pain of our circumstances until we receive God’s blessing. Often we give up too easily, and don’t expect there to be a struggle before the breakthrough. We want to experience an Open Heaven, but aren’t prepared to wrestle through the night. We lay hold of God through prayer. If you’re believing God to do something in your life in this season, pray continuously and consistently. When it gets tiring or difficult, or circumstances ook like they’re going south, don’t give up, but keep praying! The Bible says that the fervent prayer of a righteous person yields fruit, so ask God to give you greater fervour and passion in your prayer life. As we near the end of the first week of this 21-day journey, make a decision to lay hold of God. Ask Him to help you grow more focused, determined and persistent in your pursuit of Him! Response When was the last time you received a revelation of who God is? Ask God for a desire - as Jacob had - to know God’s name and to see His face more clearly. What are some of the breakthroughs you are needing to persist in prayer for? Set a regular time every day or every week this year to lay hold of God for them. Prayer Dear God, thank You for placing me in Your house. I commit to taking steps to draw near to the place where You dwell. Help me to love Your people just as You love me! In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting - Day 5

January 12, 2024 • Genesis 28:17, 1 Timothy 1

Today’s Bible Reading: Genesis 28:17, 1 Timothy 1 Draw Near To God’s House In Genesis 28, Jacob was on the run from his brother Esau. After deceiving his brother and messing up his life, their mother sent Jacob away to preserve his life. Jacob was alone, uncertain of the future, and feeling a turmoil of emotions. It was in this anxious state that Jacob fell asleep at Bethel and received a vision for his future. When he awoke, he realised that He was in the house of God, and had entered into an atmosphere of faith and favour from God! God’s house is where His presence dwells. There was nothing magical about Bethel, the place where Jacob lay down to rest; it was the presence of God that made all the difference. Today, you can host the presence of God at home, at school or in your workplace! Take a moment to worship or pray; find other Christians and seek God together; invite God to dwell in the place you’re in, and get ready to encounter Him! We find all we need in the house of God. At Bethel, Jacob heard God’s voice, had his perspective renewed, and experienced the power of God. Everything had changed because of a moment in the house of God! You too can find all you need in His presence - strength, encouragement, direction, power to live a godly life. Don’t go seeking in other places to find the things you need - you can receive them all in God’s house! The place to experience an Open Heaven is in God’s house, where His presence dwells, and with other believers. Don’t delay - come just as you are, make time to draw near to God, and have faith that you can receive all that God has promised you. Response Right now, make the place you’re in God’s house. Worship, pray and invite His presence to surround you. What do you need from God? Everything can be found in His house, so get into His presence and ask God to supply you with these things. Prayer Dear God, thank You for placing me in Your house. I commit to taking steps to draw near to the place where You dwell. Help me to love Your people just as You love me! In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.