1. All Authority (16-18) 2. All the Nations (19) 3. All Jesus Commanded (20a) 4. All the Time (20b)
1. A Sealed Tomb 2. An Open Tomb 3. A Failed Coverup
1. The Son of God Reviled (33-44) 2. The Son of God Redeems (45-53) 3. The Son of God Revered (54-61)
1. A Silent King (11-14) 2. A Substitute King (15-26) 3. A Stricken King (27-32)
1. A Sorrowful Denier (26:69-75) 2. A Settled Counsel (27:1-2) 3. A Suicidal Betrayer (27:3-10)
1. An Illegitimate Court (57-58) 2. An Inaccurate Charge (59-63) 3. An Unhesitant Confession (64) 4. An Unjust Conviction (65-68)
1. Failure 2. Faithfulness 3. Fulfillment
1. The Last Supper Prepared (17-19) 2. The Betrayer Revealed (20-25) 3. The Lord's Supper Instituted (26-30)
1. A Specific Prediction (1-2) 2. Futile Plotting (3-5) 3. Significant Praise (6-13) 4. A Pathetic Price (14-16)
1. The Judge Revealed 2. Humanity Divided 3. Evidence Provided 4. Destinies Sealed
1. Varied Resources (14-15) 2. Varied Returns-on-Investment (16-18) 3. Varied Results (19-30)
1. The Delay of His Coming (1-5) 2. The Readiness Required (1-5) 3. The Unexpected Arrival (6-10) 4. The Finality of That Moment (11-13)
1. An Unknown Day (36) 2. An Unexpected Coming (37-41) 3. Stay Awake (42-44) 4. Stay Faithful (45-51)
1. The Abomination of Desolation (15-28) 2. The Son of Man (29-31) 3. The Lesson of the Fig Tree (32-35)
Jesus describes the temporary nature of the temple and exhorts us to not be alarmed as we wait for the end of the age.