
What Is Man? (1)

The Mirror

November 16, 2015 • Host, Stephen Mansfield

In the vastness of the universe there is a speck of a planet with humans on it—and God, our Creator, cares all about us. It’s hard to take in just why He does, but if we realize what He sees in us, we’ll know we’re made in His image. There is a mirror for us to look into—God’s Word—and as we gaze into it we will be transformed into that image.

The Ministry of Intercession (5)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

The one person that God looks for in times of crisis is the intercessor. Today there is guilt and failure on the part of all segments of society—the prophets, the priests, the secular rulers and the people. God is looking for those who will stand in the gap for their country and their land. Will you?

The Ministry of Intercession (4)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

As intercessor, Queen Esther placed herself in harm’s way, standing between all Jews and those who wanted to destroy them all. She stood her ground in the face of her own possible execution—fasting and praying to her God for three days and bringing about a change of heart in the King.

The Ministry of Intercession (3)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Daniel read that the period was ending when God was going to restore the Jews to their land. Even though by law he was forbidden to pray, he continued to seek the Lord for the fulfillment of His promise to restore the Jews.