
Walking Through the Land of God's Promises (9)

Finding the Right Mate

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Today Derek is going to help us understand how to make one of the most important choices that face us in life, "How to Find the Right Husband or Wife." Today's message is jam-packed, so let's get right to it, and you may want to grab a pen and paper and take notes today...

Walking Through the Land of God's Promises (1)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Like Joshua, learn how to enter your own personal promised land! Using the biblical character as his pattern, Derek Prince points out how the promises given to Joshua can apply to any Christian. If we will not let the Word of God depart from our mouth, if we will meditate on it, and if we will practice it, then we will be prosperous and have good success.

Why Do These Things Happen to God’s People? (15)

Derek continues in his lessons he has learned from the book of Job, pointing out that God’s priorities are different from ours. God is pleased with His faithful servants and as we seek Him revelation will come to us. We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works. He is for you, not against you, and has great things for you as you walk in faith with Him.

Why Do These Things Happen to God’s People? (14)

In today’s study Derek looks at cultivating endurance. It is a character trait found among the steps in the Christian life. Derek then points to some lessons he has learned in Job—the first being that we can never understand all of God’s dealings. Next, God never surrenders His sovereignty to religious rules, but deals with us individually.