
Titles of Jesus (1)

Wonderful Counselor

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Today, and throughout the week, we will be talking about the “Titles of Jesus.” Perhaps you have a problem or a need in your life today. Through this message by Derek Prince you’ll discover a “Wonderful Counselor” who is in His office 24/7. So take a moment to ask Jesus to give you wisdom and understanding about your situation.

Thoughts for Thanksgiving (5)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

We are so blessed in this nation! This stirring message will help us become more aware of the wealth of spiritual knowledge available to us. There is no greater place to live than the United States of America, so, let’s be thankful every day we can call this “home.”

Thoughts for Thanksgiving (4)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Thank God, as Derek Prince pointed out, this nation was founded by men of firm conviction in God and in the Scriptures. This classic teaching may give the Thanksgiving holiday a new meaning for you. From all of us here at DPM, Have a blessed and happy Thanksgiving!

Thoughts for Thanksgiving (3)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

How often have we prayed and prayed without seeing results? As Derek Prince pointed out, adding thanksgiving to our prayers can bring the answers we need. Certainly we have much to be grateful for in this nation. We do have limitless opportunities!