
How to Overcome Evil (3)

Jesus Has Already Defeated Satan

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Because of Jesus’ death and resurrection—His total defeat of Satan—we have been delivered out of the power of darkness. Jesus has given us authority over all of Satan’s forces, and we have been sent forth to administer His victory. Since we are in the kingdom of God, we have the authority of God vested in us.

Hearing God's Voice (6)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Cultivating a sensitive heart means having our hearts in tune with God’s voice—hearing and paying attention to Him. Derek explains that’s the real key to true blessing. Solomon prayed, “Give me a hearing heart.” Make that prayer your own.

Hearing God's Voice (1)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

The ability to hear God’s voice sets God’s people apart from all others. But “how do we know it’s Him we’re hearing?” Find out as Derek begins explaining in-depth answers to that question. Rest assured, “Hearing God’s Voice” makes all the difference in life.

Hearing God's Voice (2)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Yesterday Derek focused on the Old Testament to bring out the all-important feature: that we need to listen to the voice of God. Today, he turns on to the teaching of Jesus in the New Testament, to help us see that nothing has changed in this vital, essential respect of hearing the voice of the Lord. Other things may have changed, but this essential requirement remains unchanged.