
Seven Pictures Of God's People (Podcast)

Seven Pictures of God's People (PC1)

As born-again believers, we are part of God’s own family. He has a plan and a purpose for each of us. Listen carefully today as Derek explains why God considers you to be His “special treasure.”

Seven Pictures of God's People (PC2)

God first brings us to Himself to be His own redeemed people. His plan is that we are to leave all and follow Him. It requires total commitment to become a “fisher of men.” God only reveals His total plan to those who are fully committed.

Seven Pictures of God's People (PC3)

We live in a society that constantly promotes, “self.” “It’s all about me!” we say. Often we fail to understand that the Church has a collective purpose. The Greek word for “church” is ecclesia, which also means a governmental assembly. Are you ready to rule?

Seven Pictures of God's People (PC4)

Today Derek explains how we are a body of people called to get things done in a time-and-space world. We, His people, are the instrument God uses to work out His redemptive purposes in the world. Don’t miss this talk!

Seven Pictures of God's People (PC5)

You are a masterpiece, fashioned expertly by God Himself. When you think of all that God has created, that is an amazing thought. And so God works—He blends, He shapes, He positions us—and then He displays us to the world.

Seven Pictures of God's People (PC6)

You are an integral part of the family of God. Derek explains today how you can have a vital relationship with God the Father and your brothers and sisters in Christ. This truth could change the way you relate to others.

Seven Pictures of God's People (PC7)

God is in the midst of fashioning His temple out of His most precious material…people. You are part of that temple, being built into a structure that exactly adheres to God’s specifications. The materials, the dimensions and the type of structure were all determined beforehand.

Seven Pictures of God's People (PC8)

The Bible lays tremendous emphasis on marriage. Marriage plays a central part in the Bible, being patterned after Jesus and His Bride, the church. The Bible actually begins and ends with a marriage. And God is still in the matchmaking business!

Seven Pictures of God's People (PC9)

Today we will discover how God is training us as His Army. Whether we realize it or not, we are in an ongoing war with unseen forces. Derek teaches us how to take up the arsenal of weapons God has given to you. Then you can be ready to annihilate Satan’s strongholds in your life and the lives of others.

Seven Pictures of God's People (PC10)

We conclude our series, “Seven Pictures of God’s People” by presenting a capsule description of the essential feature of each picture and what is required of God’s redeemed people to fulfill these responsibilities. Today Derek will sum up these seven pictures and draw out the main practical lessons we can learn from them.