

Hello … I wanted to share an experience I had while I was sitting and viewing a funeral Service.

The Pastor was preaching from the pulpit, and the interpreter was interpreting next to the casket. The Pastor preached a sermon and share the life story of the deceased. He shared his story, his life story, and his salvation experience. While he was sharing the conversion experience the Pastor began to use the word, “Boom” to signify “immediate impact.” The interpreter signed, “penetrating impact.”

The Pastor saw the interpreter signing, “Boom” as “penetrating impact.” He said, “Boom,” again and the interpreter signed the same thing. The Pastor was fascinated with that sign, so he again said, “Boom” and watched as the interpreter signed this a third time. The interpreter was becoming quite irritated, and gave the Pastor THE LOOK, “OK, that’s enough!”

The Pastor got the message and started laughing. He just wanted to catch the interpreter signing the phrase, “Boom” right.

That was a funny experience I had as a Deaf person with an interpreter.