
Focus 2020

More Than You Know

January 26, 2020 • Pastor Wayne Sheppard

There is more to God than we know! Every detail of the Bible is written for a purpose. We find in John 2 the story of Jesus' first miracle and the symbolism that is paralleled with this story and other elements of scripture.

Focus 2020 - Part 2

January 19, 2020 • Pastor Wayne Sheppard

Pastor Wayne teaches us on the importance of believing God for more in our life! We must make the most of every opportunity that we are given! God has spoken promises over you, but there is often a process to the promise!

Focus 2020

January 5, 2020 • Pastor Wayne Sheppard

As a new year begins, it is essential that we take a moment to refocus on what is important. Your past does not have to dictate your future! 1. Don't be afraid to dream big! 2. Walk in Courage not fear. 3. Ask why not me, why not now?