
Hung By The Tongue

Hung By The Tongue - Part 3

August 25, 2019 • Pastor Wayne Sheppard

Words matter! Having wisdom in our words impacts those around us! 1. Think before you speak 2. Speak truth in love 3. Our words should demonstrate honor towards each other Our words should build up, encourage, and challenge!

Hung By The Tongue - Part 2

August 18, 2019 • Pastor Wayne Sheppard

"Words kill, words give life. They're either poison or fruit -- you choose." Proverbs 18:21 (MSG) We have great power in the words that we speak! 1. The enemy's words are meant to bring defeat into your life 2. God's words bring life 3. Your words bring victory!

Hung By The Tongue - Part 1

Words Matter! Kicking off this series, Pastor Wayne speaks on the importance of the words that we speak! 1. Words direct where I am going in life 2. Words transform your attitude, then your atmosphere 3. Words help you overcome, or be overcome