Walking with God
Everyday Truth from the Psalms
Walking with God in Praise to Him
February 21, 2021 • Pastor Russ Collins • Psalm 150
We conclude our series in the Psalms that has run parallel to our series in Romans. Its purpose is to help us learn from the psalmists what it means to faithfully walk with God through the ups-and-downs of life in a world marred by sin. Today, in Psalm 150, we learn about walking with God in praise to him. This psalm answers some questions about praise and will, hopefully, stir our hearts to grow in our praise to God, both individually and collectively.
Walking with God in Trust
December 27, 2020 • Craig Sturm • Psalm 20
We continue our series in the Psalms that runs parallel to our series in Romans. Its purpose is to help us learn from the psalmists what it means to faithfully walk with God through the ups-and-downs of life in a world marred by sin. Today, in Psalm 20, we learn the centrality of walking with God in trust at all times—even in our “days of trouble”.
Walking with God in the Dark
November 29, 2020 • Pastor Justin Keogh • Psalm 88
We continue our series in the Psalms that runs parallel to our series in Romans. Its purpose is to help us learn from the psalmists what it means to faithfully walk with God through the ups-and-downs of life in a world marred by sin. Today, in Psalm 88, we learn to walk with God in the darkness, with Jesus as our light.
Walking with God Amidst Idols
October 18, 2020 • John M. • Psalm 106
We continue our series in the Psalms that runs parallel to our series in Romans. Its purpose is to help us learn from the psalmists what it means to faithfully walk with God through the ups-and-downs of life in a world marred by sin. Today, in Psalm 106, we consider God’s faithfulness to his people even when we are unfaithful in our idolatry.
Walking with God in Repentance
September 6, 2020 • Pastor Marco Ribeiro • Psalm 32
We continue our series in the Psalms that runs parallel to our series in Romans. Its purpose is to help us learn from the psalmists what it means to faithfully walk with God through the ups-and-downs of life in a world marred by sin. Today, in Psalm 32, we consider what a blessing it is to walk with God in repentance and receive from God the forgiveness of our sins.
Walking with God Amidst Political Turmoil
August 16, 2020 • Jonathan Leeman • Psalm 2
We continue our series in the Psalms that runs parallel to our series in Romans. The purpose of this study is to learn from the psalmists what it means to faithfully walk with God through the ups-and-downs of life in a world marred by sin. Today, in Psalm 2, we consider how the reality of Jesus’ kingship over the nations helps us navigate times of political turmoil with confidence and hope.
Walking with God in Hope
July 26, 2020 • Pastor Luke Davis • Psalm 71
We continue in our series of sermons on the Psalms that will run in parallel to our series on Romans. Its purpose is to help us learn from the psalmists what it means to faithfully walk with God through the ups-and-downs of life in a world marred by sin. Today, in Psalm 71 we consider what a life long-lived in the faith looks like and how it is marked by indomitable hope.
Walking with God in Satisfaction
July 19, 2020 • Craig Sturm • Psalm 63
We continue in our series of sermons on the Psalms in parallel to our series on Romans. Its purpose is to help us learn from the psalmists what it means to faithfully walk with God through the ups-and-downs of life in a world marred by sin. Today, in Psalm 63, we explore what it looks like to live, in the midst of a world of little "g" gods, a life satisfied in the One, True, Living God.
Walking with God Amidst Enemies
July 12, 2020 • Pastor David Parker • Psalm 55
We continue in our series of sermons on the Psalms that will run in parallel to our series on Romans. Its purpose is to help us learn from the psalmists what it means to faithfully walk with God through the ups-and-downs of life in a world marred by sin. Today, in Psalm 55, we look at how the Psalmist dealt with his enemies and betrayal, as we examine what it looks like to place our hope and trust in God as we walk amidst our enemies.
Walking with God in Lament
July 5, 2020 • Craig Sturm • Psalm 44
We continue in our series of sermons on the Psalms in parallel to our series on Romans. Its purpose is to help us learn from the psalmists what it means to faithfully walk with God through the ups-and-downs of life in a world marred by sin. Today, in Psalm 44, we deep dive into what it looks like to walk with God through suffering, confusion, defeat — when it seems God has abandoned His people…walking with God in lament.
Walking with God Amidst Uncertainty
May 24, 2020 • Pastor Marco Ribeiro • Psalm 13
We continue in our series of sermons on the Psalms that will run in parallel to our series on Romans. Its purpose is to help us learn from the psalmists what it means to faithfully walk with God through the ups-and-downs of life in a world marred by sin. Today, in Psalm 13, we see how to draw near to God when we are in pain and uncertain about the future.
Walking with God as You Wait
April 19, 2020 • Pastor Justin Keogh • Psalm 130
We continue in our series of sermons on the Psalms that will run in parallel to our series on Romans. Its purpose is to help us learn from the psalmists what it means to faithfully walk with God through the ups-and-downs of life in a world marred by sin. Today, in Psalm 130, we see how to draw near to God by acknowledging and confessing our sin, hoping in His Word, and waiting faithfully for and with Him.
Walking with God in Joy and Peace
March 22, 2020 • Craig Sturm • Psalm 4
We continue in our series of sermons on the Psalms that will run in parallel to our series on Romans. Its purpose is to help us learn from the psalmists what it means to faithfully walk with God through the ups-and-downs of life in a world marred by sin. Today, in Psalm 4, we walk alongside David to learn how to walk with God in joy and peace in the midst of adversity.
Walking with God When You're Afraid
February 9, 2020 • John M. • Psalm 56
This morning we begin a series of sermons on the Psalms that will run in parallel to our series on Romans. Its purpose is to help us learn from the psalmists what it means to faithfully walk with God through the ups-and-downs of life in a world marred by sin. Today, in Psalm 56, we examine how to walk with God when we’re afraid.