
NB 04: "They Devoted Themselves"

Matthew 14:22-33

December 31, 2023 • Garrett Marshall • Acts 2:42–47

In the book In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America’s Best Run Companies, the authors do a deep dive into the strategies, culture, and work ethics of what they considered to be the best run companies in the country. They found that one of the most promising indicators for success was that they did “the basics well, almost all the time.” In Acts 2, we see the beginning of the movement that would be called Christianity; a movement that would span continents, go on for thousands of years, and transform the world. And yet today, by most metrics, it is on the decline, especially in “post-modern” cultures. 

What happened? Perhaps our congregations have forgotten what successful companies have now discovered, to do the basics well. Let’s get back to basics.