
TBP 07: Being Doers of The Word

James 1:22-25

February 18, 2024 • Garrett Marshall • James 1:22–25

There is an old saying that circulates in church congregations that unfortunately is often closer to the truth than we care to admit. It says, “20% of the congregation, does 80% of the work.” 

While we hope that this ratio is different where we are at, it can sometimes feel like there are the “doers” and then there are the “listeners.” Today, in preparation for our ministry fair, we will be looking at what James has to say about those that are doers of the word and those that are just listeners. 

As we examine this passage, I hope it encourages us all to look at our lives, our talents, and our gifts and ask the question, “How can I be a better Doer of the Word?”