
The Cross before me

May 21, 2023 • Brian Dicks • Mark 8:34–38

If we want to defend our faith in a culture that worships the self, then we must also daily follow Jesus at the expense of our own self.

"Grace is costly because it calls us to follow, and it is grace because it calls us to follow Jesus Christ. It is costly because it costs a man his life, and it is grace because it gives a man the only true life." -Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Remember, whoever holds fast to God and His word, whoever loves his word and loves his savior that is someone held fast and secure in the love of Christ.

Application: What would our church look like if each one of took a few minutes at the beginning of each day to ask God, "Help me die to myself today! Strengthen me so I can take up the cross and live for you no matter what the consequences."

The International Church

It's the little things

January 14, 2024 • Philippians 3:12–16

The apostle Paul talks about that "One thing" he does in his life. He takes personal responsibility for an advancement mentality of his life in Christ. Remember, it's the little things that often make a big difference. "What do you need to start doing?" "What do you need to stop doing?"

The Waterless Place

January 7, 2024 • Brian Dicks • Exodus 17:1–7

God has led Israel to a waterless place in the desert journey to Mt. Sinai. We all have those waterless places in our lives. In those times we must trust in the presence and provision of God which is ultimately found in the person of Jesus Christ.