
Old Testament Overview

Bible Project

Did you know that the arrangement of the Old Testament in Christian Bibles is not original? Along with all ancient Jews, Jesus encountered the Scriptures as a three-part collection of scrolls known as the Torah, Prophets, and Writings, or “TaNaK” for short. In this video we’ll explore why this matters, and what happens when you read the Hebrew Scriptures in the traditional Jewish order

Job Overview

November 15, 2020 • Bible Project

Job explores the difficult question of God's relationship to human suffering and invites us to trust God's wisdom and character.

2 Samuel Overview

July 21, 2020 • Bible Project

The book of 2 Samuel continues to show us the virtue of humility, the destructiveness of pride, and the faithfulness of God’s promise. We see David succeed and fail, and we see God’s promise for a future king at the beginning and end of the story. -Bible Project

I Samuel Overview

July 5, 2020 • Bible Project

The book of 1 Samuel focuses on three characters: Samuel, Saul, and David. A poem near the start of the book reveals the book's key themes: God’s opposition to the proud, exultation of the humble, faithfulness in spite of evil, and the promise of a messianic king. -Bible Project