October 29, 2023 • Pastor Scott Randlett • John 15:1–12
The Gospel is not just where we begin in Christ, but also where we grow in Christ. How do you grow in Christ? Resist the false vines, remain faithful to the true vine, and realize that being fruitful requires pruning. Jesus is the True Vine.
He Knows My Name
October 15, 2023 • Pastor Scott Randlett • John 10:1–14
Jesus is the Good Shepherd. You can know about the shepherd without knowing the shepherd. How can you truly know the Shepherd? Follow the voice, rely on the strength, and accept the love of the Shepherd.
Under the Light
October 8, 2023 • Pastor Scott Randlett • John 8:12, John 12:46, Ephesians 5:8–9
Everyone starts life in the dark. How does Jesus, the Light of the World, change your life? Light defeats what is dark, exposes what is true, heals what is broken, and revives what is dead.
Filled Up or Still Hungry
October 1, 2023 • Pastor Scott Randlett • John 6:25–36
Jesus is the Bread of Life. From this statement Jesus alone satisfies our cravings, strengthens our weakness, and saves from death, no matter the situation we are in.